Along with the new Space Marines Anti-Aircraft tanks, the only other truly new unit are the Centurions, both as Centurion Assault Squad and Centurion Devastator Squad. Centurions didn’t get much love from the community when the first pictures hit, but it seems quite a few (though probably not all) people are coming around to them. […]
A First Look At The New Space Marines Codex
The New Warhammer 40K 6th Edition Tactical Marines
The word has been out for a while that Games Workshop will be updating what may well be their best-selling box of plastic miniatures ever… the humble Tactical Space Marines. It really doesn’t get further to the core of the Warhammer 40K visuals than the “basic” Space Marines. How much can you change on the […]
5 Space Marine Rumours That Are Hard To Believe!
Will the next release by Games Workshop, in September 2013, be a new Space Marines Codex? For a while, all sorts of different predictions and rumours were floating about. Orks. Black Templars. On top of that, there’re still rumours about a 40K Skirmish Game, which superseded rumours that there would be a new Blood Bowl. […]
What the HelDrake?
I have to ask: Did Games Workshop drop the ball on Heldrakes with their last FAQ? What am I talking about, you are asking? Well, Games Workshop latest Chaos Space Marines codex FAQ (pdf link) ruled that a Heldrake’s ranged weapons are to be treated as “Turret Mounted Weapons“! Q: How do I determine the […]