3D Printing is rapidly becoming a far more readily available and affordable technology. For a while now, speculations and forecasts have been going around on how 3D Printing with change the tabletop wargaming world. The implications seem obvious, but so far, nobody has truly cracked the secret of making 3D-printed tabletop miniatures fly for a […]
Unboxing ‘The Praetorian’ – DreadBall Season 3 MvP
I have played DreadBall for a solid year now. With a steady supply of new toys coming from the DreadBall Kickstarter, I had no need to actually buy any DreadBall miniatures the old-fashioned way (as far as ordering from an online-store can be considered “old-fashioned”). With Christmas closing in, I treated myself to a new […]
5 Great Entries from the Golden Dwarf Painting Competition
It’s always great if hobbyists drop me a line or two about their projects and events through my contact form. Early this week, I received a huge dropbox folder full of pictures from the 2nd Golden Dwarf Painting Competition in Athens, Greece. I can’t possibly post them all, but here’s a small selection of entries […]