I recently completed painting a Raven Guard Space Marines force. I painted the Camo-Cloaks of the scouts in an urban camouflage scheme that I present in this months painting tutorial. I think this camouflage scheme would also look great on other miniatures with a city-fight theme. I hope you like it. This painting tutorial is […]
5 Great Entries from the Golden Dwarf Painting Competition
It’s always great if hobbyists drop me a line or two about their projects and events through my contact form. Early this week, I received a huge dropbox folder full of pictures from the 2nd Golden Dwarf Painting Competition in Athens, Greece. I can’t possibly post them all, but here’s a small selection of entries […]
How To Add Perfect Decals with Citadel Technical Paints
This is a tutorial on using two of Games Workshop’s Citadel technical paints – ‘Ardcoat and Lahmian Medium – to apply decals to miniatures in a way so they appear to be perfectly part of the armour and are not clearly discernible as decals applied on top of the paint of a miniature. This painting […]
5 Demon-Winning Tyranid Miniatures
5 Amazing Miniatures from Hussar 2013 in Poland
Hussar 2013 on the 19th was the 4th Hussar Painting Competition held in Poland. Miniature painters assembled and showed off their best. I wasn’t there, but pictures were shared on Facebook (many thanks to Joker Studio.. shoot them a like!). Here are 10 of the amazing entries (in no particular order). #1 – Meadow of […]
What To Buy For A New Miniatures Paint Station?
Review – Ravage Gaming Magazine #9
By good fortune, I got my hands on another copy of the Ravage Miniatures Gaming Magazine: Issue #9, after Ravage #5 I read in January and again in a printed version, and not for the iPad. Time for a review! This issue is titled August-September 2013, so it isn’t truly up-to-date (and feels more dated […]
A Brush With Style…X
A few days ago, having been asked to write this review about a new line of paintbrushes, I began to think about how important my brushes really are to me. Without doubt, my brushes and my paint are my most important tools. What would a miniature painter be without his brush? That’s like a burger […]
Sales Day 2013 – The Games Day Without Games…
5 Cool Golden Demon Entries from Games Day 2013
As there weren’t actually any games on Games Day 2013 (outside of the valiant efforts by the guys from Fantasy Flight to demo some of their board games), the Golden Demons and Armies on Parade painting competition were the only “fan-contribution” to the event (beyond shopping). Here’s a choice of 5 miniatures from the Golden […]