New Helbrute – White Dwarf Issue 6

chaos helbrute 40k

Slowly but surely we are seeing how Games Workshop’s releases are taking advantage of the new weekly “release windows”, launched with the new White Dwarf Weekly format. The last two weeks were dedicated to the Imperial Knights. Indeed, the Imperial Knights Codex is only in GW stores today. But it’s not a “month of Knights”, […]

Imperial Knights Up For Pre-Order

Imperial Knight

Hmmm…. funny. I thought Games Workshop was putting up their pre-orders on midnight. It seems they changed? Either way, the new Imperial Knights are new available for pre-order (and for googling at in all their 360° glory on Games Workshop’s website. Have a look! #1 – Imperial Knights Fealty, Honour and Duty. At 8 inches […]

Games Workshop Reveals Imperial Knights

The cover for Games Workshop’s next White Dwarf Weekly went up on GW’s website, officially revealing (finally) the Imperial Knights! Imperial Knights! It’s fair to say that we’re incredibly excited about the fourth issue of White Dwarf weekly, which is out tomorrow in Games Workshop stores and independent stockists around the world. The front cover […]

Warhammer 40K Rumour Fight – BoLS vs. 40K Radio

Games Workshop Starter Set

I admit, the work of Warhammer 40K (and Fantasy) rumour-mongers is hard, dangerous and thankless. Lots of misinformation, lots of vague wishlists being flaunted as rumours, and very few, if any, good indicators of what is, or could be, a genuine rumour. This January, the Warhammer 40K is treated to a special treat: Two rumours […]

The Last White Dwarf

White Dwarf becomes Warhammer Visions

Today, retailers across the world were informed that the current White Dwarf – January 2014 – is the last White Dwarf Games Workshop will print. Starting next month, the venerable magazine, which has been around since the very early days, will be replaced by a monthly “Visions of Warhammer” and weekly smaller news pamphlet. Of […]

New Character for Warhammer 40K – Be’lakor: The Dark Master

Be'lakor the Dark Master

December is upon us and Christmas fast approaching. As expected, Games Workshop (Black Library, to be exact) has renewed their Advent Calendar, offering a new digital goody ever day. Unlike last year’s Black Library short stories, this year’s Advent Calendar launched with a beast: Be’lakor – The Dark Master and believed to be the first […]

Do You Still Field Space Marine Terminators?

Space Marine Terminators

Is there still a role for Terminators in a 6th Edition Space Marines army? Do you still field them with the new Warhammer 40K 6th Edition Space Marines Codex? If yes, how? #1 – Space Marines Terminators in 6th Edition It is one of the curiosities of Warhammer 40K 6th Edition that Terminators somehow got […]

Unwrapping a Limited Edition 40K Space Marines Codex

Warhammer 40K Salamanders Limited Edition Codex

I took a first look at the regular Space Marines Codex two days ago. Though the contents are obviously the same, let’s take a look at the added eye-candy offered by the Limited Edition Space Marines Codex for those extra £35,- over the unlimited version. #1 – Limited Edition Codexes & Me Games Workshop’s Limited Edition […]

A First Look At The New Space Marines Codex

New Space Marines Codex Cover

Space Marines! The new Codex is here. Time to take a look! They are my bulwark against the Terror. They are the Defenders of Humanity. They are my Space Marines and they shall know no fear. Obviously, I haven’t done a thorough reading of the book. These are – in essence – arbitrary things that […]

Emperor’s Children Phoenix Guard Terminators


Forge World is treating us with a special gift this Friday. I would’ve expected them to release some of the Word Bearer Space Marines previewed in the most recent White Dwarf. Instead, the elite Phoenix Guard of the Emperor’s Children take the battlefield! The Phoenix Guard featured in the novel Fulgrim. Given how closely Forge […]