Games Workshop – or Forge World to be precise – just announced the latest Forge World Open Day. Tickets are now available on the Forge World website. Admittedly, I’ve never been to a Forge World Open Day. Unlike the widespread (and justified) complaints about Games Day, most accounts from these Forge World events (and, perhaps […]
Forge World’s Kor Phaeron & Erebus of the Word Bearers
Horus Heresy Space Marine Bikers from Forge World
A late Friday night surprise from the guys over at Forge World: Legion MKIV Outriders. Or, in other words, Forge World’s take on Space Marine bikes. Unlike a lot of Horus Heresy miniatures, these bikes are (to my knowledge) not a retro-redesign of older (as in.. 1980s, early 1990s) Games Workshop miniatures, but a more […]