Forge World Open Day on March 30th – A Better Games Day?

Forge World New Releases

Games Workshop – or Forge World to be precise – just announced the latest Forge World Open Day. Tickets are now available on the Forge World website. Admittedly, I’ve never been to a Forge World Open Day. Unlike the widespread (and justified) complaints about Games Day, most accounts from these Forge World events (and, perhaps […]

Forge World’s Kor Phaeron & Erebus of the Word Bearers

Forge World New Releases

Less than a week to go for the new White Dwarf, and with it the new Space Marines Codex. Time for lots of White Dwarf leaks, once again from our Chinese friends. Lots and lots of White Dwarf pictures to be found on Baidu (not anymore it seems. Most of it can be found over […]

Horus Heresy Space Marine Bikers from Forge World

Forge World New Releases

A late Friday night surprise from the guys over at Forge World: Legion MKIV Outriders. Or, in other words, Forge World’s take on Space Marine bikes. Unlike a lot of Horus Heresy miniatures, these bikes are (to my knowledge) not a retro-redesign of older (as in.. 1980s, early 1990s) Games Workshop miniatures, but a more […]