The Garden of Nurgle and Nurgle Plaguebearer List

Warhammer 40K Herald of Nurgle

Yesterday, Games Workshop announced that they’ve released another batch of digital products, including a nurgly background-supplement called the Garden of Nurgle. The Plague Father’s realm within the Warp includes the nauseating putrescent of the Garden of Nurgle. A tangled forest of noxious plants and rotting souls the garden is crisscrossed with winding paths and stinking […]

Fantastic Nurgle Conversion for the Lord of Skulls

Lord of Skulls Conversion

It is clear that the Chaos Space Marines Lord of Skulls kit by Games Workshop, which has been released this week, is a divisive one. A lot of people hate it. A rare few love it. Me, I can absolutely see where most of the criticism is coming from, though I’ve always felt that there […]

Poll: How Do You Rate the Chaos Daemons Codex?

Warhammer Chaos Daemons 40K

Soooo… Chaos Daemons. Games Workshop is releasing new books for Warhammer 40K in rapid-fire mode. Tau are all over the place. The pre-orders will likely be up this weekend, even though Games Workshop’s latest release, the 6th Edition Chaos Daemons Codex is hardly a month old. #1 – My Chaos Daemons Codex Conundrum For a number of […]

Warhammer 40K Limited Edition Fatigue?

I am not Special. I am just a limited edition

An interesting Newsletter arrived today from Games Workshop. It appears there are still quite a few Limited Edition Warhammer Army Books and Warhammer 40K Codices left for Chaos Daemons. This, by itself, seems surprising after the Limited Edition Chaos Space Marines Codex and the Limited Edition Dark Angels Codex sold out in a few hours. Even […]

4 Demon-Winning Daemons

Warhammer Golden Demon

Earlier this week I plucked a Golden Demon-winning Masque of Slaanesh of this unofficial Golden Daemon website to illustrate my post on the Masque. Couldn’t help but wander a bit more around the history of Golden Demon competitions to see what the best painters did with this rather unusual set of miniatures (by and large, […]

Chaos Daemons – Why the Hate for the Warp Storm Table?

Khorne Daemon Prince

I finally got my hands on the new Chaos Daemons Codex. People worldwide, from Australia to Spain, from Argentina to Canada seem to have gotten theirs over the weekend, but Royal Mail apparently needed a few days extra to drive it the ~50 miles from Nottingham to my house. Oh well. Skimming blogs and forums […]

Limited Edition Chaos Codex & Army Book for each God?

I am not Special. I am just a limited edition

Here is one for the collectors. It appears that Games Workshop is once again upping the stakes for their limited edition binge. If rumours are right, the Chaos Codex (and Army book?) will not receive one limited edition version each, but four. One version for each Chaos God! Wow! via FunDaemons GW is releasing limited […]

Mantic Games’ Latest Lazy Sculpt…

Mantic Games Latest Sculpt

Mantic Games! Easily one of the more controversial miniature companies of recent years. They jumped into the hobby-scene as a GW copy-cat. Of course, dozens of other companies trade bits and look-a-like miniatures in Games Workshop’s slipstream. But few have taken to it with the business-like dedication that Mantic Games did. Now, it seems, they start to […] Chaos Space Marines Hobby Challenge: And the Winners Are…


Hello everyone! I am happy to announce that I’ve managed to contact all four winners of my Chaos Space Marines Hobby Challenge! Prizes are on their way, going to as diverse places as Australia, Canada, the UK and the United States. I’d also like to thank all the blogs, forums and hobby-sites that helped promote […]

Chaos Space Marines: Return of the Spawn?

Chaos Spawn Warhammer 40K

I like my Chaos armies full of gribbly units like Possessed or Chaos Spawn. Yet in the previous Chaos Space Marines Codex, Spawns were the ugliest of many ugly stepchildren. So much actually, I simply passed over the entry in my study of the 6th Edition Codex. Nevertheless, the Spawn seems to have regained quite a following recently. […]