Vulkan Lives – Audio Book Review

Vulkan Lives Review

Tackling Black Library’s Horus Heresy series can be daunting. Fortunately, Black Library also produces books in the series as unabridged audio books, which helps to mix things up. Vulkan Lives is the audio book version of Nick Kyme’s Salamanders entry to the Heresy, read by Saul Reichlin. It is a slightly unwieldy story (though Nick […]

Poll: Forge World’s Best Primarch Miniature (so far)?

Warhammer 40K Poll

Your favourite Primarch model? I wanted to ask this for a while, but … well, never had the time. However, with Games Day fast approaching, it seems like the right question for this weekend! Which Primarch miniature released by Forge World (since starting on them on last years Games Day) is your favourite? If you […]

Emperor’s Children Phoenix Guard Terminators


Forge World is treating us with a special gift this Friday. I would’ve expected them to release some of the Word Bearer Space Marines previewed in the most recent White Dwarf. Instead, the elite Phoenix Guard of the Emperor’s Children take the battlefield! The Phoenix Guard featured in the novel Fulgrim. Given how closely Forge […]

Forge World Releases Fulgrim Miniature


Forge World now releases the miniature for Fulgrim, Primarch of the Emperor’s Children for pre-order. He’s been previewed (and was available for sale) on the Forge World / Black Library Horus Heresy Weekender recently. Now the Phoenician is out to the wider public. The mercurial and prideful Fulgrim, the Phoenician, strove to be a paragon […]

Horus Heresy Book I and Angron the Red Angel now Available from Forge World

Warhammer 40K Horus Heresy Angron

It’s only been less than a month since Forge World announced their Horus Heresy book. Far less since we’ve seen first pictures of Angron as a miniature. In this short time – which included Forge World stealing the limelight on Games Day UK – the leather-bound first Horus Heresy book and Angron have stirred up […]