Five 2013 Rumours for Warhammer 40K that Never Happened

Warhammer 40K Rumours that Were Wrong or Fake

I started this block late in 2012. When I did, the interwebz were going made over a spilled release list detailing all Games Workshop releases for Summer 2013, including plastic Sororitas and more. It was an expertly made fake, complete with product codes, etc… . The fake rumours in 2013, in contrast, haven’t been nearly […]

Warhammer 40K Ork Rumours: Seriously?

Warhammer 40K Ork Rumours

Here is the latest crazy from the Warhammer 40K rumour mill. Faeit212 offered up Ork rumours. Rumour mongers are probably just turning insane as a consequence of Games Workshop’s information lock-down. That said, the rumours sound fun and “orky”. After the awfully bland 4th Edition Codex for Orks, a breath of fresh air would be […]