Space Marines Special Characters in 40K 6th Edition

Ultramarines Marneus Calgar

This is in many ways part 2 of today’s (yesterday’s?) wave of Warhammer 40K Space Marines rumours. The first part covered Space Marines Warlord Traits and Chapter Tactics. This post, likewise made possible by Talk Wargaming, covers the rumours on the Space Marines Special Characters in the upcoming 6th edition Space Marines Codex. Without further […]

Space Marine Rumours: The Floodgates Are Open

Warhammer 40K Space Marines Codex Rumours

For whatever reason, Games Workshop’s super-trademark Space Marine release appears to be leaking earlier than expected (by the usual “early-White Dwarf” pace of things). Earlier today, I did a short Space Marines Rumour compilation of what’s been out there. A little while ago, Faeit212 broke with a new set of information, including US$ pricing on […]

Space Marines and Bioware – Rumours To Believe In?

Space Marines by Bioware

Here is an interesting conundrum for you to ponder. According to recent rumours posted by the little-known blog Bit by Bit Gaming, Bioware picked up the Space Marines IP left vacant by THQ’s meltdown some time ago. Hurray! But hold on.. where’s the rumour coming from? Who is Bit by Bit Gaming? How credible is […]