Dataslates first hit Warhammer 40K during last year’s Digital Advent Calendar, leading up to Christmas. Like any of the pre-Christmas digital dataslates – say the Tau Fire Support Cadre – the Strike Force Ultra dataslate was written to match the box of miniatures of the same name. A Strike Force Ultra is considered by any Chapter […]
How to Use Ultramarines Chief Librarian Tigurius
Chief Librarian Tigurius returned to Warhammer 40K 6th Edition with a vengeance. He’s arguably the character who gained the most from the updated 6th Edition Space Marines Codex, once again living up to his name as one of the greatest Pykers in the galaxy. I’ve been a fan of Tigurius in 5th Edition too, but […]
Sentinels of Terra – The First Space Marines Supplement
Poll: Did You Buy Any New Space Marines Miniatures?
This topic came up on the PinsofWar Facebook page (thanks everyone for the interesting debates there.. you rock!). In some locations at least, it seems, the new Space Marines miniatures aren’t selling very well. Sure, the Codexes go like hot cakes, because everyone want’s a new Codex! And the Limited Editions are rocking eBay. But the […]
The New Warhammer 40K 6th Edition Tactical Marines
The word has been out for a while that Games Workshop will be updating what may well be their best-selling box of plastic miniatures ever… the humble Tactical Space Marines. It really doesn’t get further to the core of the Warhammer 40K visuals than the “basic” Space Marines. How much can you change on the […]
Rumoured Rules For The Space Marines Centurions
Some rumours concerning the rules of the Space Marines Centurions appeared over on the Facebook page of 40KRadio. It appears they will be able to board a Land Raider, so I believe this also settles the question of what size the Centurions are? (e.g. “just” Terminator-sized I would think, unless GW is pulling out some […]
5 Space Marine Rumours That Are Hard To Believe!
Will the next release by Games Workshop, in September 2013, be a new Space Marines Codex? For a while, all sorts of different predictions and rumours were floating about. Orks. Black Templars. On top of that, there’re still rumours about a 40K Skirmish Game, which superseded rumours that there would be a new Blood Bowl. […]
Warseer Space Marines Rumours: Grav Guns & More
Apocalypse 40K is out there. Lizardmen have arrived. What next? Rumours have it that Space Marines are getting a make-over in September… only 4 weeks time? We’ll see. Either way, there is a fun batch of rumours over on Warseer concerning the (allegedly upcoming) new incarnation of Space Marines, including a new “super-Terminator” type of […]