Hero Forge Kickstarts Custom 3D Printed Miniatures

HeroForge 3D Printed Miniatures

3D Printing is rapidly becoming a far more readily available and affordable technology. For a while now, speculations and forecasts have been going around on how 3D Printing with change the tabletop wargaming world. The implications seem obvious, but so far, nobody has truly cracked the secret of making 3D-printed tabletop miniatures fly for a […]

Through the Breach: Wyrd Games’ Malifaux Roleplaying Game goes Kickstarter on the 27th

Wyrd Games

Christmas season on Kickstarter is looking well set to be an exciting one. There is a Kickstarter in the making for Thon the Game and for Kingdom Death. Wyrd Games also announced that the Kickstarter for their Malifaux Roleplaying Game ‘Through the Breach’ will debut on Kickstarter.com on November 27th. Have a look at their […]