The New Warhammer 40K 6th Edition Tactical Marines

Warhammer 40K Space Marine with Grav Weapon

The word has been out for a while that Games Workshop will be updating what may well be their best-selling box of plastic miniatures ever… the humble Tactical Space Marines. It really doesn’t get further to the core of the Warhammer 40K visuals than the “basic” Space Marines. How much can you change on the […]

Space Marine Point Costs Over 3 Editions

Comparing Space Marines across 3 Editions

With the Warhammer 40K 6th Edition Dark Angels codex released, now seems a good time to see how Games Workshop is tinkering with point costs to influence the meta-game. More than any other unit, the basic, most common Space Marine units offer an excellent rough indicator to comparing different editions of Warhammer 40K. They are, […]