From the Inbox: 500 Point Army List with Pathfinders – Revised

fire warrior

Alright, the list I posted yesterday did not work. Shows me for assuming things about a supplement I don’t own! Many thanks to everyone pointing out the flaws. Hello,I was reading your article: and love the idea you’re giving suggestions. However I blindly bought a random Tau set, the Pathfinder team, and was wondering how you […]

From the Inbox: 500 Point Tau Army with Pathfinders

Tau Crisis Suit Team

As pointed out in the comments, this list is not viable (except being played as “unbound”). Here’s a revised 500 pts. Tau list. A Tau list-building question arrived in my inbox today. To be honest, I haven’t played Tau in 7th Edition (though I did get wiped by a Tau army in 7th Edition.. I […]

Starting A Tau Army: A 500 Pts. Battleforce Starter List

Warhammer 40K Tau Starter Army

The question came up in the comments to my Tau Codex review, and it is clearly a key question for anyone setting out into Warhammer 40K hobby: How do I get started building my army? I am going to try giving a more thorough answer – for the 6th Edition Tau – here. #1 – […]

3 Changes I Like In The New Tau Empire Codex

Tau Codex Cover

Finally, I had the time to page through the new Tau Empires Codex a bit. Slow delivery and all means I’ll probably have to wait until next week-end to give the Codex a quality reading. Still, in my initial page-flipping, there are a few things that struck me as nice changes or additions for the […]

Tau Release Delayed For Many Independent Retailers

Tau Delayed

It appears that the new Tau Empire miniatures for Games Workshop’s flagship game of Warhammer 40K will be arriving at local gaming stores, independent retailers and online “e-tailers” with a week or two of delay. Presumably, it will not affect anyone ordering directly from GW. Shame be he who thinks evil of it! #1 – United Kingdom – […]

Games Workshop’s Tau Empire Teaser Trailer

Warhammer 40K Tau Teaser

Games Workshop YouTube teasers for new releases tend to be very minimalist affairs. That said, I think their recent outing isn’t all bad. The Tau Teaser was posted on Games Workshop’s blog today. I quite like it. Unlike previous teasers, it actual seems to use the new models, if obscured by smoke and other effects, […]