From the Inbox: 500 Point Army List with Pathfinders – Revised

fire warrior

Alright, the list I posted yesterday did not work. Shows me for assuming things about a supplement I don’t own! Many thanks to everyone pointing out the flaws. Hello,I was reading your article: and love the idea you’re giving suggestions. However I blindly bought a random Tau set, the Pathfinder team, and was wondering how you […]

From the Inbox: 500 Point Tau Army with Pathfinders

Tau Crisis Suit Team

As pointed out in the comments, this list is not viable (except being played as “unbound”). Here’s a revised 500 pts. Tau list. A Tau list-building question arrived in my inbox today. To be honest, I haven’t played Tau in 7th Edition (though I did get wiped by a Tau army in 7th Edition.. I […]

4 More Pics For The New Tau

Warhammer 40K New Tau

Here are four more pictures of the miniatures for the new Tau Empire book from Dakkadakka. They include shots of the Tau Riptide, the new Flyers, the Pathfinders and a new (?) Farsight. Take a look and let me know what you think! Oh, btw, rumours have it that the Codex Author is Jeremy Vetock. […]

New Tau Empire Miniatures!

Warhammer 40K New Tau

These have been stirring up the rumour-mill for a while: Tau Empire is the next release by Games Workshop for Warhammer 40K. The pictures are admittedly still not ideal quality (nature of leaks like this). However, I am greatly impressed with Games Workshop’s souped up release schedule. The 3rd Warhammer 40K army in the 1st […]