A First Look at Warhammer 40K 7th Edition – The Rules

Warhammer 40K 7th Edition Review

The last of the three books in the new three-book-set for Warhammer 40K. GW even made the effort to number “The Rules” as book No. 3, after A Galaxy of War and Dark Millennium. Odd. Anyhow. While the merits and flaws of the changes to the game itself is beyond this blog post, I think many […]

How Good Are The New Tyranid Warlord Traits?

Tyranid Nature's Bane Warlord Trait

Since yesterday, I’ve been flipping through the new Tyranid Codex. I’ll freely admit that – thus far – Nids have been something of a blind spot for me in Warhammer 40K. That Tyranids cannot be allied with other armies also makes them more difficult to collect in 6th Edition. There are simply fewer options to […]

The Curious Popularity of Paper Terrain

Battle Systems Terrain

Terrain in miniature wargaming is an odd affair. Without doubt, the look of your gaming table, the “feel” of your game depends as much (if not more so) on the terrain you have, as it does depend on your miniatures. Nevertheless, wargames terrain (for a lot of people) only gets a fraction of the effort compared […]

Alessio Cavatore’s Loka Is Now Available For Pre-Order

Loka Interview with Alessio Cavatore

A semi-news announcement today: Alessio Cavatore’s Loka – the Fantasy (or Elemental… tag-lines for this one keep changing) Chess game – is now available for pre-orders. #1 – What Is Loka? Earlier this year, I had the rare opportunity to interview Alessio Cavatore about his latest personal project Loka, a chess variant that expands upon his […]

Creating Card Box Buildings

Tabletop Town Card Board Box

I have been tabletop gaming, mostly Dungeons and Dragons, for some 30 years now. The problems I have had with scenery and storing it have gone on for years. So I set out to design a solution! Creating D&D Card Box Buildings I wanted strong durable good looking scenery, but I also wanted it to take up […]

4 Reasons Deadzone Will Break Kickstarter Records

Warpath Deadzone

There have been plenty of teasers from Mantic Games, including (but not limited) to their only half-joking April Fools Day post and, more recently, the Salute 2013 previews. Today, Mantic Games official launched their Kickstarter-campaign for Warpath Deadzone. It’s the fourth Kickstarter from Mantic Games, following last year’s Kings of War and DreadBall, as well as […]

Arena Rex – Interview Part 1

Gladiatorial Combat Kickstarter Skirmish Game

Arena Rex: Gladiatorial Combat in a Mythic Age! What a name for a miniature skirmish game! Arena Rex is the new game from Red Republic Game, which brings the blood-soaked sands of ancient Rome’s gladiatorial arenas to life as a miniature skirmish game. And Arena Rex doesn’t just use any kind of miniatures, but some […]

3 Things I Learned from the Beasts of War Mercs Week


A week or so ago, a few people contacted me to tell me the guys from Beasts of War had given me a brief shout-out in one of their shows. Funny enough, found myself skulking around the Beasts of War website and videos a bit as a result. I’ve not followed them closely before (being less […]

Warmill.co.uk Unveils LED DreadBall Pitch!

Dreadball Board from Warmill

Mantic Games‘ DreadBall Kickstarter concluded a few days ago with nearly 3/4 of a Million US$ in pledges. I’ve followed the game for some time and even managed to leave my own little mark in its development. A notable development is the feverish quest to develop ever more prestigious pitches for this future sports game. […]

Is There Still Hope For Plastic Cult Marines?

Thousand Sons Rubic Marines

Is there still hope for plastic Cult Marines in Warhammer 40K 6th Edition? The new Chaos Space Marines are here with lots of shiny new models. One thing many were hoping for that did not arrive were new sculpts, ideally in plastic, for the Cult Marines. Berzerkers exist in plastic, admittedly. Yet Noise Marines, Plaque […]