Unboxing – Imperial Aces Expansion for X-Wing

X-Wing Miniatures Game Imperial Aces

The X-Wing Imperial Aces Expansion arrived (if you could get hold of one… ). Expensive and fragile, TIE Interceptors are rarely the go-to choice for X-wing players, but they are a classic Star Wars design. I sure hope the Imperial Aces expansion, with two alternative-paint-job TIE Interceptors – gives the “squints” a bit more oompf on […]

X-Wing Miniatures Wave 4: The TIE Phantom

Tie Phantom

Fantasy Flight Games revealed the 4th wave of X-Wing Miniatures. They are scheduled for the second Quarter of 2014, though delays are not unknown with these miniatures. Unlike the majority of previous X-Wing miniatures, the new ships all come from the Star Wars Extended Universe. Even so, it’s a surprise it took so long for the […]

Unboxing – Tie Bomber Expansion for X-Wing

Tie Bomber Unboxing

I continue to grow my Imperial squadron for the X-Wing Miniatures game. Though I have a Slave 1, which I field regularly (the only way I get to 100 pts. on the Imperial side), having started with Rebels made me long for more missiles and bombs. Enter the Tie Bomber Expansion Pack. Another awesome-looking ship, […]

X-Wing Miniatures Game – Imperial Aces Pilot Preview

X-Wing Tie Interceptor

I’ve clearly been sucked into the X-Wing Miniatures Games over the last few months, late to the party and all. Though I am mostly sticking to the Rebel side so far, it’s interesting to see what Fantasy Flight Games is planning for the future of the X-Wing Miniatures Game. The Imperial Aces Expansion is an […]

X-Wing – More Fun than a Barrel of Jawas

X Wing Tie Fighter Miniature

Every since I saw Will Wheaton play X-Wing on Tabletop, I was hooked! I went out, bought a box, asked my local gaming store when they play and I was off to the races. This is an account of my story and my mystical journey behind the controls of an Imperial TIE Fighter in the […]