Scars is the unabridged audiobook version of the novel of the same name, written by Chris Wraight as his first Horus Heresy. Originally, Scars was published as a “web series” with chapters of the book released one at a time. I couldn’t be bothered at the time. As the title suggests, Scars focuses on the […]
Covers of Upcoming Black Library Novels
Do You Need the Iyanden Book for an Iyanden Army?
Do you need the Iyanden Supplement for the Eldar Codex to play an Iyanden army? To play a “fluffy” Iyanden army? To play an “effective” Iyanden army? The short answer to all three questions is: No! #1 – Five Optional Iyanden Rules I’ve had the new Iyanden Supplement for the Eldar Codex for a few […]
Black Library Teaser: The Khan Rides To War
Ahh. The White Scars. Warhammer 40K’s iconic bike-riding Legion has long been the neglected step-child in Black Library’s immensely successful Horus Heresy Series. Things are about the change. On their homepage, Black just posted a teaser for an upcoming book that is sure to change that: The Khan Rides To War! Watch the teaser trailer […]