Unboxing – Imperial Knight – Part 2

I started unboxing the new Imperial Knight for Warhammer 40K yesterday, and started too look at the first sprue, which largely builds the legs.

Sprues No. 2 and 3 aren’t so easily classified. They come with bits for the main-body (“the Skeleton”), the weapons and the outer armour-plates.

#1 – The Imperial Knight Skeleton

Imperial Knight Sprues

This sprue hold both some of the largest armour-plates, as well as some of the bits that make the main-body.

Unboxing Imperial Knight

The entire thing went together easy enough. As with the legs, there are several small bits – eagle heads, additional struts, pipes, etc.. that go in separately to the larger parts (which is build, in essence, like a box).

Both the head and the heavy stubber are designed to be fully moveable, which is cool. Didn’t work out so well for my head, which can only be turned with some force, but my stubber swings about nicely. Likely, I will have to blame my limited hobby skills for that.

#2 – The Imperial Knights Weapons

Imperial Knight Weapons

The  third and final sprue holds most of the parts for the weapons. Again, these went together like a charm. Again, they are designed to be moveable and poseable.

Imperial Knight Weapons

Putting the weapons together, I actually had the inverse problem I had with the head.

Where the head on my Knight is tricky to move, the weapons, especially the chainsword has too much leeway. The long blade does not stay horizontal, but sinks down to the front. It might hold better with some paint, but I think I will glue many of the bits into place, once I have a pose I like (and some of the hard-to-get places painted).

Likewise, there is a little warning in the instructions that the right-arm cannon will be fixed, once you glue some added pistons into place.

#4 – Final Thoughts

Overall, the Imperial Knight was very easy to put together. A by-the-numbers-kit, if you want. The poseability is great, but I don’t think it will really work as a fully moveable model out of the box. For that, some added magnets would likely be required.

As it is, the moving parts are (for me) mostly only moveable until I find a look I like.

One thing I really like about the kit are the little ladders, pipes and “human-sized” bits they have added. Most of them need to be glued on separately, but they really help to give the miniature scale and perspective as a massive warwalker for a 28mm-scale game, and not simply a sci-fi robot miniature in the wrong scale compared to the other miniatures on the table.

The price is still steep, as many pointed out yesterday. I can’t argue with that. It’s a painfully expensive hobby, but I am having fun building my Knight!




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at www.pinsofwar.net.


New Games Workshop "Imperial Sectors" Realms of Battle board (?) http://t.co/m4jRHkZK73 #wargaming #warmongers #40k http://t.co/Sbx3JD7x28 - 15 hours ago
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  • Bobthemim

    its all well and good, but you know that when the new dataslate for it with more weapons hits.. all the gluing and extra stuff you added will be for naught..

    oh and chaos cant have one.. so another reason not to buy.

    • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

      Well, there is a difference between “moveable” and “removeable”.

      Even if I keep the parts moveable as they build (by the instructions), they would not be re-moveable. For that, you still have to go the old-fashioned magnets-route. And I think, I would probably add magnets at one of the (by default) moveable joints, if I would add some.

      Chaos.. no. Don’t get one. Though because the whole skeleton build separately from the outer armour-plates, I would think it would be easy to make an alternative version that uses the same “core”, but chaos-style plates, helm, etc..

      At least the engineering of that kit would seem to allow it.

    • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

      That said, Knights appear to be a separate detachment outside the regular allies chart.

      Maybe they add to a Chaos Army just fine.

      Rumours are only rumours, and they’ve been mostly wrong anyhow recently (if they were right, we’d be talking about the Imperial Guard right now, not Knights and soon Chaos).

      • Knight_of_Infinite_Resignation

        I emailed three of GW’s departments (custserv, WD, FAQ) about the allies question and got two different answers- firstly everyone can have one except tyranids, second answer was only Imperial forces. This second source also said that although they are not Lords of War my opponent can still roll on the Warlord traits table in Escalation if they want to.


        • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

          I’ll tell you this weekend, when I have the Codex. ;)

        • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

          It’s a bit silly to think they’d know all the ins and outs there, before the rules are even released.

          Outside the rules-writers and book designers, most of GW won’t get the book much earlier than the general public does…. in other words, not yet.

          • Knight_of_Infinite_Resignation

            my issue with them was that the WD was supposed to contain ‘The Rules’ for Imperial Knights and contained a section called this. However having spent my £2.40 on an appallingly badly formatted digital magazine (since my local GW had run out within hours) I found that there were many gaps and there weren’t really enough rules to field the things. Hence my email asking for clarification.

          • Knight_of_Infinite_Resignation

            oh and why shouldn’t they know the rules! The codex will have been written long ago, and the WD staff have just summarised it for WD. They just omitted some crucial areas, like an allies matrix.

    • Hive Sentnial

      There are rumors Forgeworld might make a Chaos Knight :P

      • Bobthemim

        the rumours also said march was IG.. stronger sources too.

  • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

    1) Natfka

    2) Dakkadakka


    3) BOLS

    Everyone had IG in March after Tyranids in January (xept Natfka, who had Nids in December) and Dwarfs in February, until 40 Radio broke Knights about 35-40 days ago and send everybody else scrambling.

    • Bobthemim

      can’t really add anything to this.. but there was an off the cuff remark of IG in the first 3months of 2014 at GD.. the only useful thing to come out of “ShopDay” as you put it

      • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

        Well, it’s not improbable that IG will be in April.

        But it is bit of a pain to track rumours (hence why I mostly stopped). First 40K Radio comes out with 7th Edition, nobody believes it, and than a week or two later, Bols “suddenly” has a rumour about an Orks vs. Blood Angels starter set?

        There’s just too much bullshit going on in the rumour mill, and not nearly enough effort by the rumour-sites to sift the crap from the genuine stuff.