vulkan 2

Vulkan, Primarch of the Salamanders

Vulkan Painted

Not gonna say much more….



A few more pics

Gal Vorbak

Solar Auxilia

Iron Hands Terminators

Solar Auxilia Transport

Salamanders Upgrade Set



I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at
The Crimson Slaughter Supplement - A Review #40k #wargaming - 12 hours ago
  • Name

    Does that Vulkan pose remind anyone of Fulgrim?

    • I

      a little actually

    • Zweischneid

      True, now that you say it.

    • Syratogo

      A great deal, though conceivably his open hand is shooting his flamer and not just out for pretty sword balance.

    • Yggdrasil

      Indeed, though Syratogo has a nice explanation for it ;)

  • Hive Senteniel

    Vulkan is said to (physically) be the strongest of his brothers. I hope they make him bulkier looking to give him excellent contrast to his other Primarch brothers. he looks great so far :)

  • Denny Crane

    Not a bad miniature at all, but somehow it doesnt make me order it asap.
    Right now the Iron Hand Primarch looks best for me

  • Yggdrasil

    Gal Vorbak & the new Auxilia Transport look promising !!! Can’t wait :)

  • Zweischneid

    Vulkan Painted. Not the best pic.. but hey

  • bginer

    Love the hammer!

    Shorter haft like a Blacksmiters tool rather than just a weapon…

    Very evocative.

  • Denny Crane

    I really want to like the figure, especially as the Salamanders are one of my favorite Space Marine Gang.
    But maybe I am wrong but the shoulderpad of the hammer-arm is way to much, he cant barely cant move

    and defintly not fight with that hammer, as the shoulderpad would denie that….
    Damn it, just a detail, but for me it totaly disturbs me :-/

    • Zweischneid

      I know what you mean. I had a similar problem with Horus.

      The “bulky” Primarchs don’t come out that well atm (though Ferrus had a surprisingly mobile sculpt).

      Angron and Fulgrim, I thought, were better suited for the “in-motion” sculpts they are going for with these.

      They might perhaps be better served with more static “I-stand-here” sculpts for the likes of Vulkan, Dorn, etc..

      Without a preference for the Legion, I am more looking forward to the “lithe” and “nimble” Primarchs like the Khan or Kurze atm, the way these sculpts go.

      • Denny Crane

        Jup, lets see for the more agile guys…
        So right now Ferrus will find its way in my collection, the rest I will pass.
        Thanks for overreading my bad english sentences of my last post :-) Too much double words etc

  • Ric Crossman

    I like the model itself a great deal, but as usual I find it hard to get past the fact that the Salamanders used to be (according to the paint jobs at least) the only Legion/Chapter who had black (in the contemporary sense) brothers; changing naturally dark skin tones into sci-fi literal black pissed me off mightily. Ironically, making something more black (and it’ like, how more black can the Salamanders be? And the answer is none) doesn’t prevent it from being white-washing.

    • Rolsheen

      Salamanders have always had black skin, not natural dark skin. Black skin and red eyes

      • Ric Crossman

        I’m afraid that’s not true. When the Salamanders first starting showing up in White Dwarf in any appreciable numbers – during the promotion of Codex: Armageddon and the accompanying global campaign – they had natural skin tones. Some were Caucasian, but at least one was clearly of African heritage. Type “Codex Armageddon Salamanders” into Google and check out the images to see what I mean.

        • Rolsheen

          I’ve been collecting Salamanders since Rogue Trader, they have always been black.

          • John K.

            Here is the Codex Armageddon image, as well as an old, basic “Space Marines-white” captain.

            Basically, they were just regular Space Marines, except that only one was painted (naturally / african) black by an ‘Eavy Metal painter for giggles.

            Only in 5th Edition was it made into a major Salamanders meme.

          • Ric Crossman

            Was it just the one black Salamander? I guess his rank made him show up more often and gave me the impression it was more common. Ah well. My point still stands; the only Chapter with any non-white Space Marines – and really, what the hell is up with that? – got turned into a weird sci-fi version of black, when it was a prime opportunity to lessen the Caucasian stranglehold on the 41st Millennium. It’s a real opportunity lost. And even if Rolsheen is right and the weird skin was mentioned in Rogue Trader (and even if it was, there’s no question it was hurriedly dropped), it doesn’t change the facts on the ground, which is that GW had the chance to introduce just one chapter amongst dozens that isn’t entirely Caucasian, and decided to go with an obscure line of long-forgotten background instead of representing a wider range of humanity in their games.

          • Zweischneid

            Maybe one, maybe several. It was definitely only a “paint-thing” without any specific background.

            The trend is broadly true for all Space Marines really. They all were “just colour-schemes”. Even Black Templars were once a perfect Codex-chapter, Ultramarines in all but colours.

            But the more GW needed “stuff” to differentiate them and make all of them “special”, the more they took the little quirks and blew them up.

            Similar to how Iron Hands were once famous for one battle, where they used a lot of Landraiders and Dreads … a few years pass … then the whole chapter was known for Landraiders and Dreads….

          • Ric Crossman

            That would certainly explain it, though personally I thought Afro-Carribean marines with an obsession with flamers and melta-guns and almost no scouts or land speeders was already a decent hook. Their cosmetic makeover is, for me at least, absolutely the least interesting thing about them.

  • Donny

    Is this available to order????

    • Zweischneid

      No. Not yet.