Warhammer 40K 7th Edition – Everything Is Scoring!

Everything is Scoring

More details about Warhammer 40K 7th Edition are appearing. This time through the Facebook page of the Overlords Podcast from London.

This one is interesting, as it sheds a bit of light on how “unbound armies” in Warhammer 40K 7th Edition will be able to work (especially if they have no troops).

In a nutshell, it seems that everything in Warhammer 40K 7th Edition will count as a scoring unit, though unbound armies will not be able to contest objectives (meaning they only score if they hold objectives uncontested?)

But yes, that is right. Everything is scoring!

#1 – The Overlords Rumour

Indirectly via Dakkadakka.

Everything is Scoring

Everything Is Scoring?

Apparently, everything is scoring!

  • Eldar Jetlock Council?  Scoring!
  • Tau XV104 Riptide? Scoring!
  • Space Marine Terminators? Scoring!
  • Dark Eldar Reavers? Scoring!
  • Etc…

There may be a few exceptions still. Units falling back? Units, where the Codex-rules directly state that they can never score (e.g. Fenrisian Wolves?)? Either way, troops are no longer absolutely needed.

Unbound and Contesting?

Now, ever since the news broke about “unbound” and “battle-forged” armies in 7th Edition broke, people speculated about the “advantages” that were hinted for “battle-forged” armies.

A key difference between these two variants, it seems, is one in how they score objectives. Unbound armies, say one made entirely of Riptides, can score objectives, but they cannot contest them, would mean they have to clear the enemy. A battle-forged army on the other hand can contest objectives, adding a bit of asymmetry there.

Of course, these might not be the only differences, and more differences in how armies score points might be buried in the previewed tactical objectives for 7th Edition.

Are You Ready For 7th?

Let me know what you think!




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at www.pinsofwar.net.
The Crimson Slaughter Supplement - A Review http://t.co/DpnvdZlCsT #40k #wargaming http://t.co/tKtYqQrgz8 - 12 hours ago
  • http://creativetwilight.com/ Thor

    Interesting. It’s still early and they’re still rumors but I don’t know that Unbound not being able to contest will be enough in itself. There will have to be more penalties to level the playing field with Unbound. I can already picture the types of Unbound armies we’ll see and they will be plenty capable of clearing off an objective to take it.

  • Bobthemim

    if this is true, the 4 tides, 4 WK and seer council unbound will be a pain to beat..

    • Royce Trounson

      Dark eldar would destroy that list in 2 turns or less.

  • Andrew

    May just play farmville

  • belverker

    looking forward to it, 6th was a step in the right diection from 4th and 5th and this looks to be even better. got some really cool plans for chaos marines if the unbound rumours are correct

  • Spankinginred

    On point 11, If there has been a change to ‘D’ weapons, Then the Apocalypse rules must also be removed from the shelves together with the Imperial Knights codex and the Escalation expansion to name but two!