The arrival of the Eldar to Warhammer 40K 6th Edition is almost upon us. It appears that the new miniatures and Codex will go up for pre-order soon, possibly this Saturday, and be available for purchase starting June 8.
Some details of what may (or may not) be in the Eldar release have been shared by Pizzaguardian of Dakkadakka. This is what we may be getting if (!) this rumour is true.
Have a look!
#1 – Warhammer 40K Eldar Release Details
Warhammer 40000: Codex Eldar:
104 page full colour, hardback Warhammer 40,000 Codex. Contains New Artwork, Background and rules whilst showcasing the fantastic miniature range
Warhammer 40000: Eldar Wraithknight:
This box contains a multipart plastic kit that makes one Eldar Wraithknight, this completely new Walker stands a massive 9 inches tall and can be constructed with a variety of armaments to fulfill a range of battlefield roles.
Warhammer 40000: Eldar Hemlock Wraithfighter/ Crimson Hunter:
This box contains a multipart plastic kit that makes either a Hemlock Wraithfighter or a Crimson Hunter, both new Eldar Flyers. The Hemlock Wraithfighter is a Psychicly armed bomber designer to cause havoc among enemy troops while the Crimson Hunter is an all new aspect warrior class whom excel at aerial combat.
Warhammer 40000: Eldar Wraithguard/Wraithblades
This box contains a multipart plastic kit that makes either 5 Wraithguards previously only available in metal or 5 Wraithblades, a new type of deadly close combat warrior.
Warhammer 40000: Eldar Farseer
A plastic Clamp pack containing 1 Eldar Hero in a dynamic mid-casting posse.
Reformatted Warhammer 40000: Eldar Battle Force
Contains 10 Eldar Guardians and a Heavy Weapon Platform, 5 Dire Avengers (including the option of making an Exarch), a Wave Serpent and a Vyper Jetbike
Reformatted Warhammer 40000: Eldar Dire Avengers
The Dire Avengers squad has been repackaged as a five miniature boxed set (including the option of making an Exarch)
New Finecast ReleasesWarhammer 40000: Illic Nightspear
A clampack that contains one highly detailed Citadel Finecast resin miniature sculpted by Edgar Ramos. Illic Nightspear is an outcast who has become an deadly assassin armed with the sniper rifle Voidbringer.
Warhammer 40000: Eldar Spiritseer
A clampack that contains one highly detailed Citadel Finecast resin miniature sculpted by Mike Fores. Armed with a Witch Staff and spirit stone wearing a distinctive eyeless helm.
Available While Stocks Last! These Items are highly limited, please request the quantity you require and we will supply you as close to this number as we can.
Warhammer 40,000 Psychic Cards: Eldar
This pack contains 14 reference cards that describe the effects of each of the Primaris Powers and the the six psychic powers available to each area of mastery
#2 – Thoughts on the Release
If these release details are correct – I am going to run with it for now – I would think Games Workshop is missing a much needed opportunity to re-vamp the ageing Eldar range of miniatures.
The “default”-addition of flyers and large walkers sort-of worked for the Tau release, as their core troops were all plastic already (with Pathfinders being the final catching-up). Even so, there were grumbles as GW choose not to update the XV8 Battle-suits, which aren’t universally loved.
Eldar, certainly, would’ve need some plastic-injection for the Aspect Warriors (as would have some of the Chaos Space Marines Cult Marines).
Also, by these rumours, there’ll be no new Eldar Jetbikes….
Moreover, we’re getting limited miniatures in addition/instead of limited edition Codexes now?
That said, the list above does not include the Craftworld Iyanden Supplement, which might be a good reason to take that list with a bit of salt. On the other hand, the (basically confirmed) Craftworld Iaynden Supplement may simply be a digital-only thing?
What do you think?
Would you be disappointed if Games Workshop opts to stick with the old miniatures for Howling Banshees, Dark Reapers and all the rest? Are you interested in what you see coming down the line for the Eldar in Warhammer 40K 6th Edition?
Leave a comment!
Warhammer 40K Eldar 2 Vyper Jetbikes

Warhammer 40K Eldar Tank Fire Prism oop metal

Update: Games Workshop’s Teaser Trailer has arrived!