Warhammer 40K Orks Gorkanaut on Pre-Order


Games Workshop kicks off a (likely) series of Warhammer 40K Ork releases with a huge (but not superheavy) walker, the Gorkanaut (and it’s Morkanaut variant): a suitably ramshackle Ork-Walker with a bit of transport capacity to boot!

At £65 RRP, it’s actually quite a bit cheaper than the Imperial Knight.

#1 – Warhammer 40K Orks Gorkanaut

The Gorkanaut possesses all the unsubtle brutality of Gork along with a blocky silhouette that looms menacingly over friend and foe alike. Piloted by an Ork Nob, this hulking orkoid armoured war suit is the epitome of everything an Ork aspires to be: Massive, tough, loud and destructive.

The Gorkanaut’s main weapons are the deafening and deadly Deffstorm mega-shoota and the massive armoured Klaw of Gork (or possibly Mork). It is also armed with two twin-linked big shootas, two rokkit launchas and a skorcha.

This multi-part plastic kit contains all the components to make one Ork Gorkanaut or one Ork Morkanaunt and its packed with optional extras so you can add your own personalised finishing touches.

Warhammer 40K Gorkanaut

#2 – Thoughts?

  • Suitably Orky?
  • Enough Dakka?

Let me know what you think of the new addition to GW’s “big walker”-line of 40K miniatures.




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at www.pinsofwar.net.
The Crimson Slaughter Supplement - A Review http://t.co/DpnvdZlCsT #40k #wargaming http://t.co/tKtYqQrgz8 - 14 hours ago
  • belverker

    I like the model, but feel it doesn’t look ramshackle enough, and the paintjobs are way too clean…

    • Hive Senteniel

      nothing a few bits of plasticard and few extra pieces of scrap metal can’t fix :P

  • Bobthemim

    I hope there are 2 claw arms.

    I plan on running it at the enemy like any ork should do

  • Hive Senteniel

    I just want to say…The Morkonaut is officially the greatest model ever produced by GW (and I’m a Nid player)

  • Rolsheen

    Is it suppose to be a transport vehicle? the belly opens up

    • Wazdaka Gutsmek

      deez onez karry da boyz!

  • Josh

    I’m not an ork guy, but that thing is pretty cool.

  • Ork duwde 2000

    I love it and i m a ork plager and this is a nice good new thing to inpressive jour enemy and there is finaly something with the gods