Warhammer 40K: 6th Edition Starter Missions

Dark Angels ChaplainThere are mere hours left until Games Workshop’s starter-set for Warhammer 40K, Dark Vengeance, will be available for pre-order. If you haven’t had a chance to get an early look at some of the fantastic new Dark Angels and Chaos Space Marine miniatures that will be included, check them out here. And like a last-minute teaser before the pre-orders go up, the missions from the starter appeared online.

The Six Dark Vengeance Missions

There are 6 missions in the booklet enclosed with the starter set, which balance the forces a little I think:

Solo mission designed to be played be a single player, where the player must use the Chaos forces to wittle down the rampaging Hellbrute to a single hull point, after which the Chaos Lord must deactivate it in assault.

The Long & Winding Road:
Solo mission designed to be played be a single player, where the player must use the Ravenwing Bike squadron to survive 3 successive waves of Chaos Cultsts.

Small scale ambush by a handful of Dark Angels against a large force of Chaos Cultists. To represent the ambush, the Chaos player cannot declare a charge, go to ground or fire Overwatch in the first turn, and can only fire Snap Shots the first turn.

Psychic Storm:
Introduction of the Librarian. Dark Angels go against a larger force of Chaos Cultists, with staggered reinforcements such as the Deathwing and Chosen coming in on fixed turn numbers.

First mission to use all the models in the set, basic victory points for destroyed units, with the HQs and Hellbrute being worth more points.

The Hellfire Stone:
Seems to be similair to the Relic mission from the base rule book.

Mission rumours by RedemptionNL from Warseer

Definitely a change from the 5th Edition Box Assault on Black Reach. Introducing the Librarian was an expected move, which will get the psychic rules into the starter. Having a solo mission also sounds fun.

What do you think? Lets hear your opinion in the comments!



Warhammer 40k Dark Vengeance - Mini Rule book !@@!

Warhammer 40k Dark Vengeance - Mini Rule book !@@!
Current price:
Ends in:
0d 1h 21m
Click here!
Seller: eBay

Warhammer 40k Dark Vengeance NIB and Shrinkwrapped

Warhammer 40k Dark Vengeance NIB and Shrinkwrapped
Current price:
Ends in:
0d 15h 14m
Click here!
Seller: eBay


I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at www.pinsofwar.net.


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