Dataslate: Tyranid Vanguard – First in a Digital Trilogy

Today, the second digital dataslate to go with the new Tyranid Codex went up for pre-order. It’s titled *deep breathDataslate: Tyranid Vanguard – Rising Leviathan I.

Unlike the Tyranid War Veterans, which give Space Marines going up against Tyranids new tricks, this one is very much digital padding to the Tyranid release as it stands.

And as the title suggests, it is but the first of several dataslates to go with the ‘Nid Codex; the first of a “Trilogy” to be precise.

#1 – Dataslate: Tyranid Vanguard

Tyranid Vanguad Dataslate
Deathleaper Assassin Brood Dataslate Formation


To the horror of the planetary governor of Satys, a Tyranid hive fleet has cut the planet off from Warp communication, and its creatures are infiltrating the furthest reaches of the planet. The irradiated jungles are being stalked by Lictors, while Genestealers are starting to infest the manufactorums. It is up to the planet’s two Catachan regiments as well as a small strike force of the Aurora Chapter to lead the planet’s defence. But the Hive Mind rapidly responds to the defenders’ tactics, and soon begins to overwhelm the Imperial forces…

#2 – The Trilogy To Come…

In this Book:

Leviathan Rising is the first book in a trilogy of Tyranid Dataslates, each of which details the different stages of Hive Fleet Leviathan’s assault upon the planet of Satys. This first installment showcases the vanguard organisms of the Tyranid fleet. It contains formations, missions and rules so that you can re-create the hideous invasion techniques of Hive Fleet Leviathan in your games of Warhammer 40,000.

#3 – The Digital Swarm?

Sooo… a trilogy of Digital Expansions, probably £4.99 each, if the Tyranid War Veterans are the benchmark, on top of the £30.00 Tyranid Codex. Its certainly not getting cheaper to get the complete up-to-date rules to play a 40K army updated in 2014.

There’re entire games that cost less, with miniatures included.

Admittedly, the digital expansions aren’t mandatory to play some Nids, but with so many extra downloads for only the first Codex this year (and presumably all others that will follow), that’s a crazy pile of digital stuff they are planning to throw at 40K players.

Are you interested in a trilogy of digital released to add more rules, missions, formations, etc.. to the Tyranids?

Or do you, like myself, feel a bit winded by the torrent of digital releases?

Personally, I would’ve considered keeping some of those goodies for a new and improved White Dwarf (which, according to Games Workshop, will include rules, possible?). These aren’t the kind of rules the want to put into the magazine (which was probably never likely).

Let me know what you think!




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at
The Crimson Slaughter Supplement - A Review #40k #wargaming - 13 hours ago
  • Epic Wanderer

    It is up for pre-order in the iTunes Store for £8.99/£9.99. It is worth noting that if you get all three you’re paying the same as Supplement. Presumably, that will mean there will be a slightly higher rules density than the supplements and you can pick and choose which bits you want.

    Also, the write up says they are themed around different waves of the invasion which is another way of saying they are themed around different army builds I suppose.

    • Zweischneid

      Cool. Missed that you get the entire thing.

      Still not cheap, but more a single “sequenced” product than, I guess.

  • Yggdrasil

    Honestly, having bought two Digital Products so far (Clan Raukaan & Kill Team), I have to admit that they are pretty good products, and the interactive versions add so much to the game fluidity that I also bring my iPad to “normal” 40k games, just for the sake of reference !
    But I sincerely think that they are too expensive for what you get. A Codex at 30£ ? Well, ok, that’s close to the limit. A Cypher Dataslate for 12£ ?!? Please, come on… I’m not one to hesitate when it comes to buying 40k stuff, but even I can’t get myself to buying that kind of product…
    That’s sad, because they are great !
    The idea of a trilogy seems nice for Tyranids… Let’s hope there’ll be more !

    • Hive Senteniel

      I agree the price is a bit steep especially for a digital version only. I thought when they came out they were going to be more like the Belakor one( what was that? like 4.99$?) but now they’re kind of getting a little silly unless there’s major content in this one. Still going to buy it though,I love my Nids :)

      • Yggdrasil

        I can understand… If I played Nids, I’d definitely buy them ! ;)

  • Hive Senteniel

    A 5 man Lictor squad w/ the Leaper?! Awesome! Would be interesting if Ymgarls were added but I think I’m just dreaming a little. Either way I’m getting this and the future releases for sure. :)