Warhammer Visions & White Dwarf Weekly Cover Preview

White Dwarf – as we’ve known it for the past … well … 15 months or so, is dead. Long live White Dwarf Weekly & Warhammer Visions!

A poster advertising the new magazines has made the rounds (specifically on Dakka).

Have a look!


Black Library gives a preview of the White Dwarf cover..

White Dwarf Dwarf Release Cover

#1 – White Dwarf Weekly & Warhammer Visions

White Dwarf Weekly & Visions

Moreover, it is worth noting that the the various languages the old White Dwarf was published in, are now seemingly consolidated into two multi-language versions of the magazine – at least for the larger, monthly (less text-intensive) Warhammer: Visions.

Warhammer Visions

#2 – Thoughts?

The White Dwarf Weekly (I guess they didn’t want to kill the brand) look very much like the old White Dwarf. Even though it is only 36 or so pages thick (and, as the name suggests, released weekly), they are (for the moment) using the old design.

Warhammer Visions, the new monthly “super-magazine”, however, is giving a very clear sign of the directions it wants to go, not just in the name, but also in the cover. It’s well and truly a printed version of the ‘Eavy Metal teams Flickr Pool, it appears.

Also… Dwarves!

Let me know what you think!




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at www.pinsofwar.net.


@Thee_Other_Matt @DaSkwire Ok. Three times, really quickly. No cheating ;) - 2 days ago
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  • belverker

    well dwarves are confirmed ;-) i may pick up the first issue of both to see what they are like but doubt i’ll get it all the time only when there are rules? That i am after of if the visions has painting articles like the old eavy metal masterclass

    • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

      Lets hope so.

      So far, it appears that anything that could’ve made the old White Dwarf remotely interesting was forked off to some digital product, including painting-guides.

      I dearly hope they bring back some of the “potentially digital” content back to give the White Dwarf a new lease of life, but I am not exactly optimistic.

      • DarkStarSabre

        In all honesty the painting guides went downhill fast with the new paint system as well. The quality of the ‘Eavy Metal Masterclass guides compared to even their ‘best’ Paint Splatter is so far apart it hurts. This doesn’t bode well though at all. Dual Language magazine? Ew. Welcome to paying more money for either half or a third of the content. Or you could pay more money to get a smaller magazine packed with ads each week – either way both work out more expensive than current WD. Ew.

  • Hive Senteniel

    mmm I’m not sure about getting the visions. They’re tempting me by putting Nids on it but I feel like I’m just going to get a bunch of pics, I think I’ll honestly skip it unless their something really cool in it. The Weekly however I might drop a few $ on just to see it.

  • Lazy Bum

    Honestly I’m taking the new releases as a chance to back off from buying White Dwarf or any other hobby magazine. I already had little to no reason to buy the “old” White Dwarf since it was turning into more of a “order this now” magazine instead of what it actually should be. I get a lot more from online blogs and flicker albums than anything Games Workshop has to offer, be it monthly or weekly.

    It’s a shame, but i get the feeling GW is taking one step forward and two steps back with every codex release, and now, with every magazine…

  • Richard Hale Battleboards

    hmmm surly in this day an age they should be looking at better apps, as every one gone digital, I’m mean would it take much to set up an app just for your army, and get regular FREE updates just aimed at your interest with free push notifications of cool miniature realises and content just aimed at your specific needs. Having everything into one printed magazine I think is missing the point, as I used to find most of the articles not aimed at what I wanted. How many time have we thumbed though a copy and said ‘Not much on elves this month, think I give it a miss’. Having a printed copy is good for reference to have open next to you so tutorials are great, but don’t we get that from Youtube these day?

    • Bobthemim

      why would they give it to you for free when they can shaft subscribers with 6 issues of LoTR and little else.

      If you can guess.. that was the last time i subbed.. I didnt care for LoTR then.. Lets face it.. its a specialist game they are refusing to acknowledge as one

  • David Kay

    That actually looks bad. If that’s the same content repeated in multiple languages. It won’t be a 240 page magazine, but an 80 page magazine repeated 3 times.

  • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

    White Dwarf February 2013

    • Bobthemim

      I am a little worried that to get his rules i have to buy that.. and that it wont be in the Codex.. or worse.. i do buy it and its in both.

      It seems that the weekly WD is a waste now that EVERYTHING is online for a release at least a week or more before it comes out.