Jervis Johnson Video #2 – New Maelstrom of War Missions

Maelstrom of War

The first preview-video by Games Workshop with Jervis Johnson shed a lot of light on the new Edition of Warhammer 40K, notably on the touchy subject of “Unbound armies”.

Now the second video arrived, and Jervis talks about the new type of Missions – Maelstrom of War Missions.

#1 – 7th Edition Video No. 2

#2 – A Preview of Tactical Objectives

Tactical Objectives
Tactical Objectives

#3 – Thoughts?

Food for thought.

Let me know what you think about these ideas. And if you haven’t yet, drop a vote at my little pre-release opinion-poll!




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at
The Crimson Slaughter Supplement - A Review #40k #wargaming - 14 hours ago
  • Tibbs Forge

    I think it’s pretty dope that both sides have their own missions, and that new ones come down in the middle of battle. I feel like it could be hard to keep track of and a lot of casual gamers might skip them, but it does seem to reflect the dynamic nature of war.

  • confoo22

    Seems like victory points are now scored at the end of the turn instead of at the end of the game. Quite interesting.

  • belverker

    this looks good they really look like they have taken some cues from other games for this, malifaux springs to mind with having different secondary objectives to your opponent

  • Gwotaz

    I think these are a great idea, scoring hard victory points throughout the game gives you more to do than just smash your enemy off the table each turn for the win. This feels more like Risk or dare I say Ticket To Ride in which objectives/missions are cashed in once they are completed during play adding to the end game totalizer.

    Good job GW.