Upcoming GW Releases This Summer – Orks & Space Wolves

Space Wolves vs. Orks

Short on time today, so thought I’d share the most recent rumour on the upcoming GW release schedule.

According to Lords of War Gaming, the 7th Edition summer for Warhammer 40K will look a bit like this, with Orks and Space Wolves coming in shortly, back-to-back, after 7th Edition.

#1 – Lords of War Release Shedule Rumours

Here are the next three 40k armies that will be released:

Space Wolves
Grey Knights


From what I’m hearing on GK, the release will mostly be a codex update. Don’t get you heart set on new models.

A few more (scarce) details from Lords of WAr on the next two releases for Warhammer 40K are found here.

#2 – Thoughts?

Let me know what you think!




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at www.pinsofwar.net.
The Crimson Slaughter Supplement - A Review http://t.co/DpnvdZlCsT #40k #wargaming http://t.co/tKtYqQrgz8 - 13 hours ago
  • ANevskyUSA

    I really wish GW would get rid of the Grey Knights Codex. Between the weirdness of power armoured Grey Knights and the lameness of the Nemesis Dreadknight, it appears to me that GW took a specialised force of super-elite daemon hunters and added a bunch of crap to make it more like a normal Space Marine chapter. If it were up to me, I would combine the Inquisition, Adepta Sororitas, the Grey Knights and the Deathwatch into a single Inquisition Codex, cutting out the clutter that makes the Sisters of Battle and the Grey Knights mere variations of Space Marines; I would create variety by including Inquisitorial Stormtroopers or Adeptus Arbites as Troops and Officio Assassinorum Assassins as Elites. To encourage fluff, I would make the Battle Sisters, Deathwatch and Grey Knights Elite choices normally, but Troops if the detachment is led by an inquisitor of the appropriate ordo. Not going to happen, of course, because nobody listens to me.

    Pretty hyped about Space Wolves and Orks.

    • KJensen

      Sounds an awful lot like taping the old Witch- and Daemon Hunter codexes together back to back. :D

      Not that I’d mind at all. Grey Knights having their own dedicated codex is probably one of the worse decisions GW has made in recent years in terms of balances and “suspension of belief” in my opinion – Grey Knights just shouldn’t show up in that kind of numbers unless cleansing an entire world of daemons.

      Heck, even a small squad or two is fluffwise normally enough to completely shut down any psychic or daemon prescence in an entire sector, either by killing them off or by “counter-psyking”. O_-

      • ANevskyUSA

        I know, right? But don’t forget the Arbites. It is old Daemonhunters married to old Witchunters swinging with old Imperial Agents from “Codex: Army Lists”. I see your 3rd Edition and raise you 2nd Edition! I played WH40k before it was mainstream. ;-)

        A more modest proposal would be to eliminate the Grey Knights Codex, but allow a squad of them to be taken as an Elite choice for Imperial armies a la Legion of the Damned. I would be willing to compromise with the replacement of the Grey Knight Codex with a far more modest Dataslate.

    • Rowan Drake

      That’s basically my position exactly.

    • D. B.

      Speaking as GK allow for some very nice conversions – Dreadknights, for instance – I’m a bit skeptical here. Plus, power-armoured Grey Knights (fluff-wise, they first appeared in an Index Astartes article waaaayyy before they released the Daemonhunters minis) are some of my favourite minis, so you’ll understand if I disagree vehemently with the “weird” bit. Though I wouldn’t mind seeing the Codex more Daemonhunter-ized.

      • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

        I would guess it’ll go into the opposite direction. As GW has “launched” a new “Codex: Inquisition”, Codex Grey Knight might actually lose the Inquisition parts (which you can add back in with allies?).

  • Dan

    interesting, as id read rumours elsewhere that it was to be blood angels/orks…and that the new blood angels (and possibly dark eldar) codices were coming before new space wolves. As a space wolves player though, a new starter set with some cheap models would probably be nice :)

  • Hive Senteniel

    I don’t think Grey Knights will be released for a while. Sorry GK players, but I think SW and BA players need their dex updates first. Also I kind of wish GW would just go back to the explosion of new stuff rather than this slow release thing. I mean I know this is how they get people to but the new WD but still, I liked logging in at 5′ish and being like “AAAAGHHH! NEW STUFF!!!” and seeing everything all at once.