This weekend sees the release of Warhammer 40K 7th Edition. If you’re getting your copy from a Games Workshop store, the staff will likely be offering you this issue of the White Dwarf weekly. It’s an odd mix of releases for next week, with two new (temporary, I guess) boxed sets and new sets for the Citadel Paints.
#1 – Space Marines Strike Force Ultra
The issue starts with the new Strike Force Ultra, a box of 20 Space Marine Terminators, the new Terminator Captain, a Landraider, a Storm Raven and a Venerable Dread.
If you were planning to splurge on Terminators, it actually offers some savings.
Of course, you can save another 30 quid or so, if you buy the Strike Force Ultra from discounters such as Wayland Games.
There will also be a Dataslate: Strike Force Ultra to field the contents of this box.
On the other hand, the Terminators do show their age a bit, I think.
Aside from the Space Marines, there is also a Militarum Tempestus box. Savings on this one are more like 19% at RRP, and no datasheet. On the other hand, the miniatures are a lot more recent and would go nicely with the Militarum Tempestus Mini-Dex.
#2 – New Citadel Paint Sets
There are new boxed sets with Citadel paints (and a brush), all with some funny “Golden Demon”-covers.
- Citadel Hobby Starter set - £45,50
- Citadel Base (Colours) set - £25,50
- Citadel Layer set - £45
- Citadel Dry set - £25
- Citadel Shade Set - £22
The savings seem to be more moderate.
Unless you really need every single paint in the box, and the brush, it’s probably not worth it.
The Hobby Starter Set, which also has clippers, glue and a few other things, is a bit better, if you need all the equipment in it.
#3 – Battle Report
The issue also includes a 6 page Battle Report, probably the largest since Games Workshop launched the weekly White Dwarf format. The battle is notable for pitching a “battle-forged”-army against an “unbound”-army, so if you had any doubts about whether these two variants are meant to be compatible, here’s your “official answer”.
Adam and Jes approached assembling their army lists in two very different ways. “For years now, I’ve been compiling an Imperial army,” says Adam [...]. “I kept my army Battle-forged [...]”
“I went Unbound because I wanted to focus on Vorarr and a menagerie of Daemonic and mutated units,” says Jes in contrast.
#4 – The Beast Arises!
Finally, a preview of the White Dwarf Weekly #18, which will cover the following.
- Waaagh!
- Brutal but Kunnin’
- Kunnin’ but Brutal
#5 – Thoughts?
Let me know what you think and leave a comment!