White Dwarf Weekly #19 – Flash Gitz & Fog of War

White Dwarf 19 cover

White Dwarf Weekly #19 is the second issue for the new Warhammer 40K 7th Edition Orks release. Like last week’s Morkanaut, there is only one new miniatures release: Flash Gitz.

Unlike last week’s White Dwarf, which was struggling a bit to fill the pages, this week’s issue is a bit more diverse, with a battle report of six Imperial Knights against an army of Morkanauts, a Stompa and other Ork walkers.

More interestingly, I though, was a Jervis Johnson article on ‘Fog of War’ (and playing cards).

#1 – Flash Gitz

Flash Gitz

The new Warhammer 40K Orks Flash Gitz are obviously the stars of this issue. There’re …

  1. …the usual splash pages for the new box,
  2. a ‘Eavy Metal-team showcase of Flash Gitz
  3. a Sprues and Glues article on building Flash Gitz Snazzguns,
  4. a backgroudn article on Kaptin Badrukk
  5. a Flash Gitz Paint Splatter
  6. the rules for the Flash Gitz
  7. Desginers’ Notes on sculpting the Flash Giz, and
  8. the White Dwarf team rambling about Freebooterz…..

It can be a bit monotonous at times, no matter how fun the Flash Gitz are.

#2 – Jervis Johnons’ Fog of War

Jervis Johnson Rules of Engagement

Jervis Johnson is (almost) the only one in this issue not talking about Orks. Instead, he is tinkering with a card-based system to simulate a Fog of War.

The entire approach seems, to me, unnecessary convoluted.

  1. You split a deck of cards (red and black) between yourself and your opponent
  2. You assign a card to each unit, discard the rest
  3. Place the unit-cards into 4 piles.
  4. Roll a dice to remove one pile, meaning those units won’t show up

There must be easier ways to have a random ~1/4 of the units you brought along not take part in the game, no?

Either way, I find myself reading these articles keenly. Why?

Not long ago, Jervis wrote a (Fantasy-themed) column on “Asymmetrical ObjectivesSoon after that we got Warhammer 40K 7th Edition with Tactical Objectives.

Now he is writing a (40K-themed) columned about new ways of deploying units?

Well, I am listening (though I don’t think a rule that means you don’t get to use some of the miniatures you painted and carried to the club/store/whatever sounds all that great).

#3 – Thoughts?


More Orks next week! Hopefully with a Codex.

Let me know what you think and leave a comment!




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at www.pinsofwar.net.
The Crimson Slaughter Supplement - A Review http://t.co/DpnvdZlCsT #40k #wargaming http://t.co/tKtYqQrgz8 - 12 hours ago
  • Knight_of_Infinite_Resignation

    would be better to put those units into reserves so they show up late.

    • muleyyy

      THIS and this mechanic already exists! why more cards?? please no more cards and randumb table rolling please!