White Dwarf Weekly #19 is the second issue for the new Warhammer 40K 7th Edition Orks release. Like last week’s Morkanaut, there is only one new miniatures release: Flash Gitz.
Unlike last week’s White Dwarf, which was struggling a bit to fill the pages, this week’s issue is a bit more diverse, with a battle report of six Imperial Knights against an army of Morkanauts, a Stompa and other Ork walkers.
More interestingly, I though, was a Jervis Johnson article on ‘Fog of War’ (and playing cards).
#1 – Flash Gitz
The new Warhammer 40K Orks Flash Gitz are obviously the stars of this issue. There’re …
- …the usual splash pages for the new box,
- a ‘Eavy Metal-team showcase of Flash Gitz
- a Sprues and Glues article on building Flash Gitz Snazzguns,
- a backgroudn article on Kaptin Badrukk
- a Flash Gitz Paint Splatter
- the rules for the Flash Gitz
- Desginers’ Notes on sculpting the Flash Giz, and
- the White Dwarf team rambling about Freebooterz…..
It can be a bit monotonous at times, no matter how fun the Flash Gitz are.
#2 – Jervis Johnons’ Fog of War
Jervis Johnson is (almost) the only one in this issue not talking about Orks. Instead, he is tinkering with a card-based system to simulate a Fog of War.
The entire approach seems, to me, unnecessary convoluted.
- You split a deck of cards (red and black) between yourself and your opponent
- You assign a card to each unit, discard the rest
- Place the unit-cards into 4 piles.
- Roll a dice to remove one pile, meaning those units won’t show up
There must be easier ways to have a random ~1/4 of the units you brought along not take part in the game, no?
Either way, I find myself reading these articles keenly. Why?
Not long ago, Jervis wrote a (Fantasy-themed) column on “Asymmetrical Objectives“. Soon after that we got Warhammer 40K 7th Edition with Tactical Objectives.
Now he is writing a (40K-themed) columned about new ways of deploying units?
Well, I am listening (though I don’t think a rule that means you don’t get to use some of the miniatures you painted and carried to the club/store/whatever sounds all that great).
#3 – Thoughts?
More Orks next week! Hopefully with a Codex.
Let me know what you think and leave a comment!