Xenoshyft by CoolMiniOrNot

Cool Mini or Not Xenoshyft

Just a day or so ago, CoolMiniOrNot finished a highly successful Kickstarter for Arcadia Quest, a (some say Super Dungeon Explorer-inspired) Chibi-Dungeon Crawler with a PvP twist. Chibi is not my thing, admittedly.

Now CMON reverse gear entirely in theme, and launched a website with a Starship Troopers / Space Hulk (?) / Sedition Wars (?)-inspired teaser image: Xenoshyft.

Given the insane prices you still see for copies of Space Hulk on eBay, this could be a hit in the making, even if it’s not the most creative theme to ever hit a miniatures board game.

Of course, I never backed a CMON Kickstarter, and I haven’t heard a lot of good things about it (hearsay and all).

Either way, they are cranking these out at an impressive rate (assuming Xenoshyft will launch soon).

Let me know what you think!


Xenoshyft Picture 2

Teaser Video Update:



I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at www.pinsofwar.net.


Rebel Aces... with pic on popular request #xwing http://t.co/xGGgLxE8n3 #StarWars http://t.co/Kw1SRalEm8 - 2 days ago
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  • belverker

    looks far too similar to sedition wars (which they published on kickstarter) even the humans armour looks similar, while they continue to not communicate well on ks and have lengthy delays and use restic they won’t get any money from me…