5 Demon-Winning Ork Miniatures


We’re up to the neck in Games Workshop’s make-over of the Warhammer 40K Orks. So it is that time again. Let’s take a look at what the world’s best painters have done with Games Workshop’s Ork miniatures to date. Enjoy. #1 – Ork Kommando Nob by Alex Murray Let’s kick this post off with a […]

5 Demon-Winning Miniatures from the Imperial Guard

No Ork in 200 klicks

In honour of today’s release of the Codex: Astra Militarum, formerly known as Codex: Imperial Guard (or CAMfkasCIG), I dipped back into the Golden Demon collection for some inspirational highlights on what the world’s best miniature painters did with the Imperial Guard, back when it still was the Imperial Guard. Enjoy! #1 – Leman Russ […]

4 Demon-Winning Daemons

Golden Demon Winning Daemons

Earlier this week I plucked a Golden Demon-winning Masque of Slaanesh of this unofficial Golden Daemon website to illustrate my post on the Masque. Couldn’t help but wander a bit more around the history of Golden Demon competitions to see what the best painters did with this rather unusual set of miniatures (by and large, […]

10 Amazing Miniatures From Lugdunum 2013

Lugdunum 2013

It’s been a mad week for me. As the weekend is approaching (I’ll be needing this one), I wanted to make up for my own lack of time for hobby-stuff by showing off some amazing miniatures from the Lugdunum 2013 convention/competition (?) held in France this week. The End of Games Day? This might be […]

4 Amazing Painted Kingdom Death Miniatures

Kingdom Death Flower Knight

Kingdom Death took Kickstarter by storm. I didn’t even quite realize who I was interviewing when I sent Adam Poots an email with questions some time ago. Since then, I kept an eye open for Kingdom Death miniatures. And I have seen amazing things. I created a Kingdom Death category on PinsofWar.net. If you paint them, feel […]

Warhammer 40K in 2012: The Year in Pictures

Warhammer 40K in 2012 in Review

The end of the year is approaching. Time to look back. I may be early, but I am guessing Games Workshop’s work on the Hobbit Strategy Battle Game will mean the end of Warhammer 40K releases for 2012. Hopefully, 2013 will start strong with a new Codex (Dark Angels?). Here is 2012 in Warhammer 40K […]

Massive Voodoo’s Figure Art Book Indiegogo

Massive Voodoo Miniature Painting

Here is a quick heads-up for a mighty fine Indiegogo-campaign from the guys from Massive Voodoo; a Germany-based blog with a plethora of fantastic painting and hobby tutorials. Two of their painters - Roman Lappat and Raffaele Picca – started a crowd-funder to produce a high-quality, hard-cover art book of their best work. Pure eye-candy, and the campaign […]

Forge World Horus Heresy: Angron is Coming!

Warhammer 40K Primarch Angron

Angron is coming! Games Workshop is running on Traitor Space Marines overload! The release of the new Chaos Space Marines miniatures (pre-orders anyway) and Forge World’s new Horus Heresy line coincide on the weekend of their UK Games Day 2012. Early White Dwarfs leaked pictures of the upcoming Chaos Space Marines. The latest White Dwarf […]

Modest Magic’s Demon Cliff Project (on eBay)

Modest Magic Terrain

I am really growing a new appreciation for eBay and some of the cool things you can find there between all those bitz-hawkers, if you are looking in the right places. The Malifaux charity auction I talked about yesterday is a good example. The very impressive Demon Cliff Terrain project by Modest Magic is clearly […]

Last Days Of The Angels: Aspirations to Build the Largest 40K Diorama… and to Tell a Story

Last Days of the Angels | Blood Angels Diorama

Few things have enlivened the Miniature Wargaming Hobby as much as the recent emergence of crowd-funding sites like Kickstarter or Indiegogo. One particularly fascinating, creative and daring project on Indiegogo in particular stood out for me: Last Days of The Angels by Spanish painting studio BallisticSkill4.