7 Golden Demon Entries from the US Games Day 2013

Warhammer Golden Demon

Below you’ll find a selection of 7 miniatures from the Golden Demon miniature painting competition at Games Workshop’s US Games Day 2013 in Memphis last weekend. These pictures were taken from the Golden Demon photo gallery by bcocanour. I cannot tell you where these miniatures placed (except for one). I presume there will be an official […]

10 Amazing Miniatures From Lugdunum 2013

Lugdunum 2013

It’s been a mad week for me. As the weekend is approaching (I’ll be needing this one), I wanted to make up for my own lack of time for hobby-stuff by showing off some amazing miniatures from the Lugdunum 2013 convention/competition (?) held in France this week. The End of Games Day? This might be […]

Poll: New Warriors of Chaos for Fantasy

Warhammer Fantasy Warriors of Chaos

Games Workshop is getting really good at keeping future releases under wraps. As with the Crusade of Fire supplement, which nobody saw coming, even the best-informed rumour-mongers had no clue that Warriors of Chaos were getting a make-over. Not before the first lucky people got their hands on an early White Dwarf. Within a week […]

5 New Pictures for Warriors of Chaos

Warhammer Fantasy Warriors of Chaos

Some new pictures have appeared, showing some of the details for the new miniatures for Warhammer Fantasy Battle’s Warriors of Chaos, who will (it appears) be released next month. The pictures are from the February 2013 White Dwarfs. I am still not 100% sure if I like them or not. In any case, they are […]

Warhammer 40K Ork Rumours: Seriously?

Warhammer 40K Ork Rumours

Here is the latest crazy from the Warhammer 40K rumour mill. Faeit212 offered up Ork rumours. Rumour mongers are probably just turning insane as a consequence of Games Workshop’s information lock-down. That said, the rumours sound fun and “orky”. After the awfully bland 4th Edition Codex for Orks, a breath of fresh air would be […]

White Dwarf Pictures of New Warriors of Chaos

Warriors of Chaos White Dwarf November 2012

Seems like some people once again got their White Dwarf early (Germany this time). Here are some scans of the new models and miniatures coming for Warriors of Chaos next month. Chaos Warshrine. Scyla Anfingrimm. Those are big miniatures. Pre-orders will be up this weekend. The release date for these new miniatures for Warhammer Fantasy seems […]

Warhammer Fantasy Warriors of Chaos Teaser

Warhammer Fantasy Warriors of Chaos

Games Workshop keeps piling on Chaos. We’ve just seen the Chaos Space Marines Codex spearhead Warhammer 40K 6th Edition. Warriors of Chaos for Warhammer Fantasy are following right behind. A first “teaser-video” was just released by Games Workshop on YouTube. Like most of these teaser-videos, it doesn’t show much. Except, that the release is imminent.