Review – Tabletop Tyrant Squire Plastic Figure Case

Tabletop Tyrant Figure Case

My miniature collection grows, thus I need storage. Since I already own a few cases from Tabletop Tyrant, such as my trusty Kingmaker (behind the books in the pic above), I was more than happy to see Tabletop’s newest addition, the Squire Plastic Figure Case. Pretty much the same size as Tabletop Tyrant’s “half-size” Kingmaker, it […]

White Dwarf Weekly #21 – The Ork Codex Arrives

White Dwarf 21 Cover

The 4th (!) week of Warhammer 40K Ork-releases? Is it just me, or does this feel a lot longer than when Games Workshop was doing these releases once a month? Anyhow… at least in this one we get the Ork Codex, which went up for pre-orders and will arrive in gamers’ hands next weekend! #1 […]

Warhammer 40K – Spirit of the Game – The Retro 1996 Edition

White Dwarf 1996

One thing that always stirs up some controversy in 40K are the “Spirit of the Game”-boxes  included in the rulebook, which emphasise players – not just game designers – doing their part to make sure a game of Warhammer 40K is fun, enjoyable and “reasonably balanced”. Love it or hate it, the philosophy has been […]

5 Demon-Winning Ork Miniatures


We’re up to the neck in Games Workshop’s make-over of the Warhammer 40K Orks. So it is that time again. Let’s take a look at what the world’s best painters have done with Games Workshop’s Ork miniatures to date. Enjoy. #1 – Ork Kommando Nob by Alex Murray Let’s kick this post off with a […]

DreadBall Azure Forst Clarification And Apology

Azure Forest DreadBall Expansion

Three days ago, I posted an article criticising Mantic Games for their latest announcement of a special ‘Azure Forest edition’ of their bestselling DreadBall game. As pointed out by vigilant Mantic fans and by Mantic Games themselves, pretty much everything I said in that article was wrong. Worse, it was published prematurely and without the […]

White Dwarf Weekly #21 Cover – Looted Wagons & Meks

Warhammer 40K Ork Rumours

Whispers of what we’ll see in the upcoming White Dwarf appeared earlier today. Now there is also a cover (confirming a lot of it, such as the exclusive (?) Looted Wagon Datasheet). Let me know what you think! Z.

Mantic Games’ Not-So-Limited-Editions

azure forest limited edition

There are many mistakes in this post, and it should never have been published in the first place. Please find the corrections and my apology here. What the hell is Mantic Games up to again? It appears that they are trying to take a page out of Games Workshop’s playbook by launching more limited edition […]

Ork Rumours: Ghazghkull a Lord of War

Ghazghkul Thraka Lord of War

Word has it that the upcoming Orks Codex, the first of its kind for Warhammer 40K 7th Edition, will include Lords of War units. Now, rumours are out that the Codex will have at least 2 Lords of War: the Stompa and … Ghazghkull Thraka, the Prophet of the Waaaagh!, yours truly! #1 – Lords of […]

White Dwarf Weekly #19 – Flash Gitz & Fog of War

White Dwarf 19 cover

White Dwarf Weekly #19 is the second issue for the new Warhammer 40K 7th Edition Orks release. Like last week’s Morkanaut, there is only one new miniatures release: Flash Gitz. Unlike last week’s White Dwarf, which was struggling a bit to fill the pages, this week’s issue is a bit more diverse, with a battle report […]

A Review of the Space Marine Strike Force Ultra Dataslate

Space Marines Strike Force Ultra

Dataslates first hit Warhammer 40K during last year’s Digital Advent Calendar, leading up to Christmas. Like any of the pre-Christmas digital dataslates – say the Tau Fire Support Cadre – the Strike Force Ultra dataslate was written to match the box of miniatures of the same name. A Strike Force Ultra is considered by any Chapter […]