Forge World’s Kor Phaeron & Erebus of the Word Bearers

Forge World New Releases

Less than a week to go for the new White Dwarf, and with it the new Space Marines Codex. Time for lots of White Dwarf leaks, once again from our Chinese friends. Lots and lots of White Dwarf pictures to be found on Baidu (not anymore it seems. Most of it can be found over […]

Space Marines Special Characters in 40K 6th Edition

Ultramarines Marneus Calgar

This is in many ways part 2 of today’s (yesterday’s?) wave of Warhammer 40K Space Marines rumours. The first part covered Space Marines Warlord Traits and Chapter Tactics. This post, likewise made possible by Talk Wargaming, covers the rumours on the Space Marines Special Characters in the upcoming 6th edition Space Marines Codex. Without further […]

Pictures of the Apocalypse 40K Space Marines

Apocalypse Space Marines

With barely a week to go until Games Workshop unveils their new version of Apocalypse 40K, a few pictures of the new miniatures have arrived via Reddit. Once again, the original source appears to be the Chinese search engine Baidu. Have a look at these four Space Marines! #1 – Space Marines Master of the […]