5 Demon-Winning Ork Miniatures


We’re up to the neck in Games Workshop’s make-over of the Warhammer 40K Orks. So it is that time again. Let’s take a look at what the world’s best painters have done with Games Workshop’s Ork miniatures to date. Enjoy. #1 – Ork Kommando Nob by Alex Murray Let’s kick this post off with a […]

5 Great Entries from the Golden Dwarf Painting Competition

High Elves Phoenix

It’s always great if hobbyists drop me a line or two about their projects and events through my contact form. Early this week, I received a huge dropbox folder full of pictures from the 2nd Golden Dwarf Painting Competition in Athens, Greece. I can’t possibly post them all, but here’s a small selection of entries […]

5 Amazing Miniatures from Hussar 2013 in Poland

5 Amazing Miniatures from Hussar 2013

Hussar 2013 on the 19th was the 4th Hussar Painting Competition held in Poland. Miniature painters assembled and showed off their best. I wasn’t there, but  pictures were shared on Facebook (many thanks to Joker Studio.. shoot them a like!). Here are 10 of the amazing entries (in no particular order). #1 – Meadow of […]

Amazing Tau Diorama from Germany’s Golden Vinci 2013

Warhammer 40K Tau Diorama

Last week, a miniature painting competition was held in Germany, the Golden Vinci 2013. Lots of awesome miniatures. Lots of deserving winners. To me – judging less the painting quality (for which I would not be qualified), but more the pure awesomeness of the overall composition – one piece in particular stood out. The Imperial […]

5 of my Favourite Miniatures from Crystal Brush 2013

crystal Brush 2013

This weekend is the big weekend of wargaming conventions. In London, Salute 2013 saw Mantic Games pull the veil of their Warpath Deadzone offerings, which will hit Kickstarter on Friday. In Chicago, Adepticon is in full swing, and with it CoolMiniOrNot’s Crystal Brush painting competition. I was not able to attend either. Hopefully next year. […]

10 Amazing Miniatures From Lugdunum 2013

Lugdunum 2013

It’s been a mad week for me. As the weekend is approaching (I’ll be needing this one), I wanted to make up for my own lack of time for hobby-stuff by showing off some amazing miniatures from the Lugdunum 2013 convention/competition (?) held in France this week. The End of Games Day? This might be […]