Poll: The Best 6th Edition Codex for Warhammer 40K

polling station

In many ways, an era is coming to an end next weekend, when Games Workshop will release the first Codex for Warhammer 40K 7th Edition: Codex Orks. It struck me that now would be a good time to take a look back at the nearly 2 years of 6th Edition and ask, which of the […]

Poll: Do You Like The Previewed 40K 7th Edition Changes?

polling station

Warhammer 40K 7th Edition is coming. We are less than a week away from preorders (get ready for a sticker-shock), and two weeks until the first people will be opening the new book. From what we’ve seen so far, which is admittedly an incomplete picture, Warhammer 40K will be changing, a lot! Do you like […]

Poll: DreamForge Leviathan or Games Workshop Knight?

GW Knight vs. DreamForge Leviathan

Ever since word got out, that Games Workshop was doing a plastic kit for an Imperial Knight, debates have raged on whether gamers should opt for the model from GW themselves, or opt instead for a surprisingly fitting alternative, the Leviathan Crusader from DreamForge. Time for … a poll! #1 – Leviathan vs. Knight Debates […]

Poll: Best New Tyranid Miniature for Warhammer 40K

New Warhammer 40K Tyranid Codex

Wow. The new Tyranids are finally here!! This one felt like a loooong time coming, given how some people expected the new Tyranid Codex in December already (and that particular rumour proved surprisingly contagious). Either way… they are here now, including as iBook pre-order (which usually has nice previews). The Great Devourer has come, unleashing new […]

40K Rules Conundrum: Interceptor & Overwatch in the same turn?

Tau Empire XV88 Broadside

A little rules conundrum I came across in Warhammer 40K, which I thought I’d share (not least to get some opinions). Can a unit in Warhammer 40K with the Interceptor special rule fire its weapon twice during the opponent’s turn, once using Interceptor and once using the Overwatch rule? #1 – A Day in Warhammer […]

Escalation Poll: Will the new Supplements Change Your 40K?

Escalation Escalates

It has been a curious experience browsing Warhammer 40K forums and blogs this weekend. Why? Because GW released two Warhammer 40K supplements – Escalation and Stronghold Assault – that add super-heavies and fortifications to Warhammer 40K respectively. In some corners of the internet, the sky is falling and “Warhammer 40K is changing forever”, yet I […]

Poll: Forge World’s Best Primarch Miniature (so far)?

Warhammer 40K Poll

Your favourite Primarch model? I wanted to ask this for a while, but … well, never had the time. However, with Games Day fast approaching, it seems like the right question for this weekend! Which Primarch miniature released by Forge World (since starting on them on last years Games Day) is your favourite? If you […]

Poll: Did You Buy Any New Space Marines Miniatures?

Warhammer 40K Poll

This topic came up on the PinsofWar Facebook page (thanks everyone for the interesting debates there.. you rock!). In some locations at least, it seems, the new Space Marines miniatures aren’t selling very well. Sure, the Codexes go like hot cakes, because everyone want’s a new Codex! And the Limited Editions are rocking eBay. But the […]

Poll: The Best 6th Edition Codex for Warhammer 40K?

Warhammer 40K Poll

I recently posted a review of the Codex: Tau Empire for Warhammer 40K 6th Edition. Overall, I thought the Tau Codex is one of the better new Codexes for Warhammer 40K 6th Edition. Evidently, not everyone agrees. Which leads me to a simple question: What is – in your opinion – the best 6th Edition […]

Warhammer 40K Apocalypse Poll Closed – The Results!

Apocalypse Space Marines

Al right. Time to close my Warhammer 40K Apocalypse poll and start something new. Well over 600 people cast their vote. Many thanks to everyone who took the time to do so. These things obvious do not (and cannot) adhere to any kind of representative sampling. Still, I find them insightful as to what readers […]