A First Look at the New Tyranid Codex

Warhammer 40K Tyranids 6th Edition Codex

Today’s the day. The new Tyranid codex is officially released and in stores along with the new Tyranid miniatures. The first Warhammer 40K codex of 2014. The first Warhammer 40K codex officially written by the “Games Workshop Design Team”, rather than a specific lead-author. Moreover, this seems to be a codex that is getting a […]

Do You Still Field Space Marine Terminators?

Space Marine Terminators

Is there still a role for Terminators in a 6th Edition Space Marines army? Do you still field them with the new Warhammer 40K 6th Edition Space Marines Codex? If yes, how? #1 – Space Marines Terminators in 6th Edition It is one of the curiosities of Warhammer 40K 6th Edition that Terminators somehow got […]

Unwrapping a Limited Edition 40K Space Marines Codex

Warhammer 40K Salamanders Limited Edition Codex

I took a first look at the regular Space Marines Codex two days ago. Though the contents are obviously the same, let’s take a look at the added eye-candy offered by the Limited Edition Space Marines Codex for those extra £35,- over the unlimited version. #1 – Limited Edition Codexes & Me Games Workshop’s Limited Edition […]

A First Look At The New Space Marines Codex

New Space Marines Codex Cover

Space Marines! The new Codex is here. Time to take a look! They are my bulwark against the Terror. They are the Defenders of Humanity. They are my Space Marines and they shall know no fear. Obviously, I haven’t done a thorough reading of the book. These are – in essence – arbitrary things that […]

Poll: The Best of the New Space Marines Releases

Warhammer 40k new space marines Codex

As of today, the new 6th Edition Warhammer 40K Space Marines are available for pre-order. Without a doubt, it’s been one of the most thoroughly leaked releases from Games Workshop of the last few years. Even rules from the Space Marine Codex abound on the interwebs. Of the new miniatures, the Space Marine Centurions easily sparked […]

New Space Marines HQ – Captain, Librarian & Chaplain

space marines librarian leaked

It is clear by now that the upcoming release of Space Marines miniatures will break with the “pattern” established by the flurry of releases for Warhammer 40K in the first half of 2013. No large walker. No flyers. Lots of infantry, such as the awesome new Vanguard Veterans. And… a rather thorough release of plastic HQ […]

New Space Marine Centurions: A First Look!

New Space Marines Centurion

The new Space Marines are now available for pre-order! Vote which of the new Space Marines releases you like best! Here we are. There has been a flood of Space Marine rumours over the last 48 hours or so. Obviously, the rumoured 60mm base Space Marines Centurions are the most anticipated part of this new […]

5 Space Marine Rumours That Are Hard To Believe!

Warhammer 40K Space Marines Codex Rumours

Will the next release by Games Workshop, in September 2013, be a new Space Marines Codex? For a while, all sorts of different predictions and rumours were floating about. Orks. Black Templars. On top of that, there’re still rumours about a 40K Skirmish Game, which superseded rumours that there would be a new Blood Bowl. […]