Guns Blazing, Spells Being Cast – Do You Add Those Effects To Your Minis?

Warhammer 40K Storm Talon Weapons Firing

A Stormtalon Gunship cutting loose at Warhammer World. Found on Pinterest. Original artist unknown (to me).




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at
The Crimson Slaughter Supplement - A Review #40k #wargaming - 13 hours ago
  • orlando the technicoloured

    In general I don’t because it tends to look a bit rubbish (a bit like armature NMM),
    But on the other hand when it does work (like the one above) it really adds something different

    • Yggdrasil

      Not really fond of those… But mainly because it’s really tough to make right, and even on your example, I don’t think it looks convincing enough…

      Well ok, unless for Klaus, Not Santa from dakka :

      • Zweischneid

        That is pretty awesome ;)

        But yeah, that is a full-on diorama meant for display… not a “gaming” miniature I suppose.

        • Yggdrasil

          Yeah indeed…

          Hence it brings me further towards the “no special effects” side ! lol

  • Hive Senteniel

    there are actually specialized kits for these ( I don’t know if this is one which includes such kit) but either way improvised or from a kit the effects can be really cool if used to the right effect. I envy this.

  • Greggor Bloodsing

    Only if I’m doing OSL, and want to add color to a dark mini. Flamers come to mind.