The New Warhammer 40K 6th Edition Tactical Marines

The word has been out for a while that Games Workshop will be updating what may well be their best-selling box of plastic miniatures ever… the humble Tactical Space Marines. It really doesn’t get further to the core of the Warhammer 40K visuals than the “basic” Space Marines.

New Tactical Marines SergeantHow much can you change on the basic Space Marine without destroying the overall visuals of the bestselling miniature range.

How little can you change and still justify a new box and overhaul?

Well, a first few images of the new Warhammer 40K Tactical Space Marines have appeared. They do have Grav Weapons, the new trademark special weapon of the Space Marines range. Otherwise, the look remarkably like… well.. Space Marines.

Have a look!

#1 – New Tactical Space Marines

New 6th edition Tactical Space Marine Squad

Warhammer 40K 6th Edition Tactical Space Marines

#2 – Thoughts?


Crimson Fists Tactical MarineThey are good. They are Space Marines. They are – along with the Tau Fire Warriors – probably the miniatures responsible for me being in this Hobby in the first place. I both like how Games Workshop didn’t go all crazy and, at the same time, wonder if it really was worth updating them?

At the very least however, it’s not just a simple 100% mark-up for “nothing” like they did with the Eldar Dire Avengers! And we also have (I think) a small image of a new Crimson Fists, showing off the colours of a non-Ultramarine Space Marines Chapter.

What do you think?

Tactical Marines, shiny and new? Good or Bad?

Leave a comment!


Update: There are also two new images from what are (presumably) the new Sternguard(?)Space Marines Stern Guard MarineSpace Marines Sternguard 6th Edition Warhammer 40K
Space Marines Sternguard with Heavy FlamerSpace Marines Sternguard Plastic Kit Pictures


I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at


White Dwarf November 2013 - A Review #wh40k #wfb #40k #review #wargaming - 10 hours ago
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  • belverker

    they look to be standing a little taller (ie not squatting) i like them nice and marine looking…bit more of a mix of armours…if it contains 1 of each special and heavy weapon it is well worth it over the old box

    • Knight_of_Infinite_Resignation

      I agree, I want to know the price and see the sprues before I decide if this is an improvement. If its good I may start that Raven Guard army after all…

      The Sternguard look rather overdone and flowery to me.

  • Inergior

    I’m guessing there will be more options and less mould lines than in the current box. For example the missile launcher backpack isn’t the the current one, neither is the mohawk head.
    Of course there won’t be a major overhaul of the models but why would they, they still look great

    • Zweischneid

      They wouldn’t.

      And yes, lots of small but very nice updates. A bit more armour-style bits-and-parts in there. etc..

      Its still a very subtle update of an existing kit. It’s no “Broadsides” style change for sure. Not even a Terminator-armour-type change when they were brought into plastic with wasp waists and broader chests, etc..

      But I suppose Tactical Marine would be.

  • C AJ Segger

    New Mk6 shoulder pad, Mk4 legs, Mk8 gorget, I like these a lot. If they don’t screw the price up to much this box is going to be the best of the new marine stuff.

    • Trentat

      Also, finally, Mk6 breastplates (bottom row of pictures, second in from the right and left). Now you can build an entire suit of Mk6 armour from the GW plastic range.

      • C AJ Segger

        Mk6 breastplates were in the old tactical box.

        • Trentat

          You would think so, but they, in fact, were not. If you’re thinking of the torso with the “X” shaped power cables connecting to the grill in the center – that is a Mk5 torso.

          The Mk.6 breastplate has somewhat of a “W” arrangement of cables leading from the shoulders and head to a central chest module from which a single cable continues to the belt.

          GW hasn’t released a plastic Mk.6 torso since the RTB01 Imperial Space Marines in the Fall of 1987…when I purchased mine! ;)

  • Zweischneid

    Another Sternguard appears!

  • imustbedreamin

    i like em……need to be green though ;)

    • Zweischneid

      I believe Games Workshop sells them unpainted, actually :)

  • Jeff Martin

    They had me at Grav guns

    • Zweischneid

      Yup. Looking forward to how these go. Concussive is the rumour so far…


    1 # – New tactical space marines? are the new ones bigger? (if not, i hope one day they would make them bigger) i dont see any BIG changes with the new TSM.

  • the 6th finger

    Sternguard at 30 pounds is good I guess because they are so detailed theyre like a squad of characters and they are 15 pounds each so in total 75 pounds. They are cool but 6 pounds for one is a bit to exspensive

  • Zweischneid

    True. Technically though, if you have Power Armour with all sorts of in-built targeting-shenanigans, you wouldn’t really need to lift the weapon to the eye to aim.

    You could probably aim just as well shooting behind you over your shoulder or whatever, with the target displayed in your helm.

    • Yggdrasil

      Agreed. One of my own “counter-point” is that the armour’s machine spirit won’t let you fire the bolter if you don’t have to, hence the finger that can linger on the trigger…. And, if SM do fire a stray shot by error…. Whoe else to blame than the Emperor himself ;) ?!?

      Still, I am completely fond of those small details that add so much character to the models… So thanks to the sculptor :D

  • swiftspeed50 .

    @disqus_IRUpXsOZST:disqus I agree, I’ve always had to convert an aiming one before, and as for grav-weapons, terminator killer for a tacsquad? Sign me up!