5 Demon-Winning Ork Miniatures


We’re up to the neck in Games Workshop’s make-over of the Warhammer 40K Orks. So it is that time again. Let’s take a look at what the world’s best painters have done with Games Workshop’s Ork miniatures to date. Enjoy. #1 – Ork Kommando Nob by Alex Murray Let’s kick this post off with a […]

Pins of the Month – May 2014

PinsofWar.net | Miniature Pinboard | Miniature & Wargaming

Wow, it’s been another month already, and it was a busy one at that. Time for some highlights from www.pinsofwar.net. #1 – Arcane Factories via ArcaneFactories on Fantasy Minis via ArcaneFactories on Cool Sci-Fi Miniatures via ArcaneFactories on Arcane Factories Sci Fi Minaitures Arcane Factories are currently running a Kickstarter for a cool range of sci-fi, […]

5 Demon-Winning Miniatures from the Imperial Guard

No Ork in 200 klicks

In honour of today’s release of the Codex: Astra Militarum, formerly known as Codex: Imperial Guard (or CAMfkasCIG), I dipped back into the Golden Demon collection for some inspirational highlights on what the world’s best miniature painters did with the Imperial Guard, back when it still was the Imperial Guard. Enjoy! #1 – Leman Russ […]

5 Golden Demon-Winning Dwarfs

Golden Demon Winning Dwarf Slayer

The Dwarfs are coming back to Warhammer! Reason enough to see how the most talented hobbyists of the past have interpreted the vertically challenged grudge-bearers of Warhammer Fantasy. A selection of Dwarfs from past Golden Demons! Enjoy! #1 – Dwarf Quarrelers by Jesse Hodges Is it just me, or did Dwarfs seem smaller back in […]

5 Great Entries from the Golden Dwarf Painting Competition

High Elves Phoenix

It’s always great if hobbyists drop me a line or two about their projects and events through my contact form. Early this week, I received a huge dropbox folder full of pictures from the 2nd Golden Dwarf Painting Competition in Athens, Greece. I can’t possibly post them all, but here’s a small selection of entries […]

5 Demon-Winning Tyranid Miniatures

golden demon winning tyranids

Slimy bugs are the talk of the town these day, both on Kickstarter and in Warhammer 40K. Personally, I’ve never managed to start a Warhammer 40K Tyranid army, but there is no denying that slime, claws and chitin bring out some of the most amazing paint-jobs in the hobby. Time to take a look at […]

4 Demon-Winning Daemons

Golden Demon Winning Daemons

Earlier this week I plucked a Golden Demon-winning Masque of Slaanesh of this unofficial Golden Daemon website to illustrate my post on the Masque. Couldn’t help but wander a bit more around the history of Golden Demon competitions to see what the best painters did with this rather unusual set of miniatures (by and large, […]