From the Inbox: 500 Point Army List with Pathfinders – Revised

fire warrior

Alright, the list I posted yesterday did not work. Shows me for assuming things about a supplement I don’t own! Many thanks to everyone pointing out the flaws. Hello,I was reading your article: and love the idea you’re giving suggestions. However I blindly bought a random Tau set, the Pathfinder team, and was wondering how you […]

5 Demon-Winning Ork Miniatures


We’re up to the neck in Games Workshop’s make-over of the Warhammer 40K Orks. So it is that time again. Let’s take a look at what the world’s best painters have done with Games Workshop’s Ork miniatures to date. Enjoy. #1 – Ork Kommando Nob by Alex Murray Let’s kick this post off with a […]

5 Demon-Winning Miniatures from the Imperial Guard

No Ork in 200 klicks

In honour of today’s release of the Codex: Astra Militarum, formerly known as Codex: Imperial Guard (or CAMfkasCIG), I dipped back into the Golden Demon collection for some inspirational highlights on what the world’s best miniature painters did with the Imperial Guard, back when it still was the Imperial Guard. Enjoy! #1 – Leman Russ […]

5 Golden Demon-Winning Dwarfs

Golden Demon Winning Dwarf Slayer

The Dwarfs are coming back to Warhammer! Reason enough to see how the most talented hobbyists of the past have interpreted the vertically challenged grudge-bearers of Warhammer Fantasy. A selection of Dwarfs from past Golden Demons! Enjoy! #1 – Dwarf Quarrelers by Jesse Hodges Is it just me, or did Dwarfs seem smaller back in […]

Warhammer 40K in 2013 – The Year in Pictures

Tau Riptide

2013 is coming to an end. Everyone’s getting ready for the festive days. Christmas presents will soon be unwrapped. And, of course, it’s the time to think back on the past year. I don’t blog about Warhammer 40K exclusively, but Warhammer 40K, as a game, has certainly been through a crazy rollercoaster of a year. […]

5 Demon-Winning Tyranid Miniatures

golden demon winning tyranids

Slimy bugs are the talk of the town these day, both on Kickstarter and in Warhammer 40K. Personally, I’ve never managed to start a Warhammer 40K Tyranid army, but there is no denying that slime, claws and chitin bring out some of the most amazing paint-jobs in the hobby. Time to take a look at […]

Sales Day 2013 – The Games Day Without Games…

UK Games Day 2013

Games Workshop’s UK Games Day 2013. Let’s get the basics out first. I didn’t really enjoy this year’s Games Day. Not nearly as much as I enjoyed Games Day 2012. Not everything was bad at this year’s Games Day and I see why some of the changes were made – in theory. The most change, […]

7 Golden Demon Entries from the US Games Day 2013

Warhammer Golden Demon

Below you’ll find a selection of 7 miniatures from the Golden Demon miniature painting competition at Games Workshop’s US Games Day 2013 in Memphis last weekend. These pictures were taken from the Golden Demon photo gallery by bcocanour. I cannot tell you where these miniatures placed (except for one). I presume there will be an official […]

5 Golden Demon Winning Eldar Miniatures

Golden Demon winning Eldar

The Eldar are back! After weeks of silence with only a rare few whispers on the next Codex-release for Warhammer 40K, news finally broke: The Craftworld Eldar arrive with a shiny new 6th Edition Codex and new miniatures, including the massive (allegedly Baneblade-priced) Wraithknight. That said, Craftworld Eldar are not getting a complete make-over like […]

3 Daemon-Newb Questions on the Masque of Slaanesh

Masque of Slaanesh

So I am trying to get through the new Daemon Codex. One thing is sure, this is a complex book. All those different loci, rewards, powers, etc.. , which are largely random (though often with a possibility to “default” to a standard power, similar to all 6th edition psyker rules) make this a complex book. […]