Pictures of the Apocalypse 40K Space Marines

With barely a week to go until Games Workshop unveils their new version of Apocalypse 40K, a few pictures of the new miniatures have arrived via Reddit. Once again, the original source appears to be the Chinese search engine Baidu.

Have a look at these four Space Marines!

#1 – Space Marines Master of the Marches

Apocalypse 40K Space Marines Master of the Marches

#2 – Space Marines Lord Executioner

Apocalypse 40K Space Marines Lord Executioner

#3 – Space Marines Master of RitesApocalypse 40K Space Marines Master of Rites

#4 – Space Marines Master of Relics

Apocalpyse 40K Space Marines Master of Relics

#5 – New Apocalypse Teaser

There is also a new YouTube teaser…

#6 – Thoughts?

I find it highly surprising, that these are mainly (indeed, so far, only) characters.

Obviously, there will be some big kits: Both because Games Workshop rarely does a releases these days without them and because we’ve had a glimpse of the Chaos Space Marines Lord of Battle (?) from the upcoming White Dwarf cover and the grainy pic of a Necron Megalith (?).

Yet I am truly intrigued on how these characters will fit into the rules, and how Apocalypse 40K in Warhammer 40K 6th Edition will incorporate, perhaps even depend on these characters as lynchpins for an Apocalypse army.

What do you think?

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Warhammer 40K Chaos Space Marine Forgefiend/Maulerfiend © 2012 gw4314

Warhammer 40K Chaos Space Marine Forgefiend/Maulerfiend © 2012 gw4314
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Warhammer 40k Space Marine Iron Father RARE Techmarine

Warhammer 40k Space Marine Iron Father RARE Techmarine
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About Zweischneid

Hi. I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Miniature Connoisseur. Aspiring Blogger. Did you like this post? Follow me on Twitter or Facebook for more. And don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at

  • belverker

    interesting that they are all finecast (judging by their bases)
    will be interesting what else will be released and will they be apoc only?

    • Zweischneid

      Well. I hope the Master of Rites may yet be plastic. That vox-speaker-amplifier-thing “standing” on a lonely chain in Finecast sounds like disaster.

      • C AJ Segger

        The Master of Rites is the only one that doesn’t say finecast in the fluff next to the pics, so he maybe plastic.

    • Redmoo

      How do the bases indicate they are finecast?

      • belverker

        because none of them are scenic, all of the plastic character blisters have had a scenic base.

  • Craig

    well, tbh, I find none of them very appealing … there’s always something odd about them.

    The Lord Executioner looks best though, and he got a power axe! That’s something usable ^^

  • thorfinskullsplitter1

    no terminator armor :(

  • Chris Bellamy

    Bureaucracy continues to run wild. If each chapter has only 1000 marines they shouldn’t be advertising new positions that all seem administrative.

  • C AJ Segger

    The last four captains ( Master of the Watch, Arsenal, Fleet and Recruits ) they brought out for Apoc gave you certain Strategic Assets. So I’m assuming these four do the same thing. Still leaves two captains unaccounted for, 1st Co and 7th Co.

    • Tayloao

      I think the Terminator captain is the generic captain of the 1st. But I too would like to see a 7th Company captain model with the rest of these

  • Hive Seeker

    It IS kind of interesting to see more diplomatic roles being modeled. Master of relics is awsome IMHO

  • Tayloao

    I’m a little dissapointed that the Captain of the 6th isn’t on a bike

    • Zweischneid

      True. A bike-captain probably should’ve been in there somewhere.