A lot of things go on Kickstarter these days, but they do crack down on the blatant violations after all. Yesterday, Kickstarter closed a project for Aluminium Dice, which were exposed by users as existing product. It appears the project-creator (since deleted by Kickstarter) wanted to re-sell these dice through Kickstarter, passing them off as his own creation. His apparently obvious lack of knowledge in machinery, tooling or the physics of balanced dice gave him away.

Aluminium Dice – No longer on Kickstarter
Hurray For A Vigilant Community
One one hand, I applaud the people who revealed the fraud. It’s good to know that people are out there, watching for and exposing fraud. Fraudsters on the internet aren’t exactly breaking news, but I think it bears reminding that there are (it seems) preciously few initial safeguards on Kickstarter as to what projects get launched in the first place.
There are a great many and fantastic projects on Kickstarter. Some of the best and most creative stuff done in the past years came through Kickstarter, and more is sure to come.
Clearly, this isn’t the last time I’ll blog about Kickstarter-projects either (though hopefully more about the fun, creative and, most importantly, genuine ones).
But you can get scammed on Kickstarter, and the success people have on the platform will clearly draw more scammers. A smarter fraud might not be noticed before your money left the bank.
Stay alert!